Wow..I've been thinking a lot about this stuff lately. I don't ever really put an age on how long I'm going to live but I have a hard time with being dead. Sometimes when lying in bed I have a little freakout about how I am not going to be alive one day..I have to like get up, take a lap around the house and then get a drink. It passes soon after that but it just scares the crap out of me. I've been pretty darn good about it lately, totally not even thinking about it.
BUT I have a friend, who is in my band who is totally killing me!! She is 26 right, very healthy, athletic, has a real job, always traveling etc....but she is always complaining about something hurting or her not feeling well. I mean her shoulder has been hurting for months now, so she had an mri, ct scan and the tests show nothing...her knee hurts (negative tests), she has some sternum thing. I am the last person she needs to be complaining about this stuff to.
One day we were in Chicago and she's like, gosh why do I have to go through all this?I'm only I said something like dude you are so healthy! so she says "you'r not the one living inside of a 95 year olds body.." I bit my tongue so hard but let somthing slip out and then insisted we not talk aboutit. Lately she has had the Mexican Flu (its been a week) and just complaining about that and her back, knee, you say it she's got it. I've been biting my tongue so hard..I just can't get over it. My friends are starting to get mad because they know that it kinda hurts me to hear her say this stuff and not even think of yeah you have CYSTIC FIBROSIS!! Not that I want any pitty at all but I just had to get this off my chest and see if you have any friends like this. Sometimes it's like we accomodate around her, like she doesn't have to move any equiptment or load in but it always ends up me carrying so much and I am getting to the point where I can't take it.
Gosh...sorry for the rant!!