<P>Yes, she has been dx with asthma for the past 11 years. She is currently taking Flovent 220, Singulair, and Xopenex. We have tried Advair, Symbicort, Spiriva, Xopenex, Flovent, Albuterol and many combinations of these. Her lung function doesn't change by increasing these. The only one that really improved PFTs was Spiriva, but it caused really bad side affects and had to be discontinued. The Spiriva was added when she was dx with COPD. Then a 2nd opinion pulmonologist was opposed to a child with a COPD dx and that led us to try to figure out why she has an obstructive pulmonary disease. She has no PFT improvement after albuterol or Xopenex regardless of 4 puffs with an inhailor or nebulized form. On her last PFT she actually declined -2% after albuterol by nebulizer. So that is why an obstructive pulmonary disease versus restrictive disease is being looked into. I appreciate any advice, so thanks for responding. </P>
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<P>Overall my DDs PFTs are highest closest to when she has been on antibiotics and the longer it has been since she has been on antibiotics the lower her PFTs regardless of how she is feeling. My DD seems to just slowly go uphill after antibiotics and then slowly go back down until the next round of antibiotics. No real explanation for that. I did make an immunology appointment at the pediatricians suggestion. Her immunoglobins are all in the normal range although low normal. She has titers for all childhood immunizations etc. pneumonia trains from the Prevnar vaccine. She just got two pneumonia vaccines this week, so I hope she gains immunity from them. Maybe her being colonized with Staph explains the antibiotic trend, but I am just guessing. I do hope the dr continues to culture her, so we know if the staph is the problem. </P>