Question for this with CFRD

Since cfrd is a concern for many of us, my question is how is your cfrd managed? Do you control it by diet, do you monitor your sugars throughout the day, do you use oral anti diabetics or do you use insulin? If you use insulin when did you start, was it based on your lab values or just your doctors preference? And when you started treatment was it better, did you feel better, or was it just more of a hassle?


New member
I started taking oral meds to begin with. It worked for a while, but as the years progressed I started 70/30 insulin once a day and now progressed to 70/30 twice a day and coverage with regular insulin if needed. I am in good condition with latest A1C of 6.2

Joe 49 w/cf, cfrd


New member
My CFRD is controlled with insulin and always has been since I was diagnosed at age 16. I switched to the pump in 2008 and makes it so much more convenient - I would never go back to injections. I do monitor my blood sugars 3-4 times per day. A1C is 6.1 as of last week!


New member
I have been on insulin since I was 15 and a pump when I was 17. I check my sugars 4-6 times a day. It has been a struggle for me as of late, but so far I've gone from an A1C of 12 down to 8 and will know in a few weeks if it's gone down further. It's hard to manage both disease but a pump makes it much easier.


New member
To answer the other part, I felt AMAZING on insulin. I was SO sick and fatigued that I was willing to do anything to feel better and all it took was insulin!


I control my diabetes with diet and exercise. I only take insulin when my sugars are above 180. Course I only have borderline diabetes. That doesn't happen very often when I eat the right foods and drink enough water. I just had my yearly blood work and the numbers indicate that I don't have diabetes anymore. Weird!!! I am still working really hard with my diet. I don't touch sugar of any kind (not even sugar free stuff). I am careful what carbs I eat (potatoes, bread, and even fruit). I struggle with low blood sugar more than anything.