So glad to see your other update that DS is feeling better and PFTs bounced back. PHEW!! I'm so happy for you guys.
RE; the PICC removal, I concur with Penny, he shouldn't even feel it. However, he should try to stay relaxed so his muscles don't tense up or spasm. I did have a PICC line get "hung up" once where it didn't want to come out. The nurse was tugging and tugging and it would come out a little and then retract back into my arm. Ugh.. The nurse had me relax for a little bit and warm pack my arm with a heating pad, and on the second try and it slid right out. After that time I always warm pack my arm prior to removal, but probably unnecessary. More now of just "this is what I do" type of thing.
I don't think it can hurt anything. There also was another time I felt one little tiny spot on my arm hurt as they pulled one out, and like someone else mentioned on another thread there was a little bit of tissue on the catheter right at that spot where the pain was in my arm. The nurse said it was nothing to worry about and that it was a fibrin sheath that attached to line. It must be a fairly common occurrence. Lastly, sometimes my arm is a little tender for a day or so following removal. Also nothing to worry about.
Anyway, sorry, didn't mean for this to sound scary because it is actually really simple... Just try to keep him as relaxed as possible and assure him it will not hurt. Should also clarify that even the time mine was stuck it didn't hurt, just started making me panic.
Well I hope that helped! Talk soon,