Question on Cepacia


New member
At our clinic the nurse comes in to take vitals and I notice she uses hand sanitizer and she wipes down that finger pulse-ox thingy with rubbing alcohol. But.... Recently I purchased some PS wipes and Spray from Target that apparently sanitize everything -- Pseudomonas A, Mrsa, salmonella, flu, herpes 1 & 2, vancomycin resistant something or other, and a bunch of others and the instructions say to leave the stuff on for at least 5 minutes -- keep the surface wet for 5 minutes. So my question is -- does the alcohol wipe kill germs?


New member
At our clinic the nurse comes in to take vitals and I notice she uses hand sanitizer and she wipes down that finger pulse-ox thingy with rubbing alcohol. But.... Recently I purchased some PS wipes and Spray from Target that apparently sanitize everything -- Pseudomonas A, Mrsa, salmonella, flu, herpes 1 & 2, vancomycin resistant something or other, and a bunch of others and the instructions say to leave the stuff on for at least 5 minutes -- keep the surface wet for 5 minutes. So my question is -- does the alcohol wipe kill germs?


New member
My CF clinic now has hand sanitizer stations all over the clinic and hospital because of the new protocal they have in effect. My nurse is continually washing her hands down when she comes in to see me. I'm anal about all germs - especially in clinic. I always carry hand sanitzer with me - I'll wash my hands when I get into the clinic waiting room, I'll wash them again when I get into the room to see the doc, and I'll wash them again when I leave the clinic, and again when I leave the hospital. I also have a hand sanitzer in my car, along with a container of antibacterial wipes in my car. I'm always terrified that I'll catch some sort of germ or bug when I'm in clinic. Its really sad, because my germaphobia is only recently, now that I'm not as healthy as when I was 16. My boyfriend jokes that what will happen when we have kids, and they come home with some sort of germ, or come in dirty from the playground. I simply laugh and tell him, I'll wipe them down.


New member
My CF clinic now has hand sanitizer stations all over the clinic and hospital because of the new protocal they have in effect. My nurse is continually washing her hands down when she comes in to see me. I'm anal about all germs - especially in clinic. I always carry hand sanitzer with me - I'll wash my hands when I get into the clinic waiting room, I'll wash them again when I get into the room to see the doc, and I'll wash them again when I leave the clinic, and again when I leave the hospital. I also have a hand sanitzer in my car, along with a container of antibacterial wipes in my car. I'm always terrified that I'll catch some sort of germ or bug when I'm in clinic. Its really sad, because my germaphobia is only recently, now that I'm not as healthy as when I was 16. My boyfriend jokes that what will happen when we have kids, and they come home with some sort of germ, or come in dirty from the playground. I simply laugh and tell him, I'll wipe them down.



Caitlin I'm much like you, I also have cepacia and never hung out with any other CF ers, I was never even hospitalised until after I got it. I didn't get pseudomonas till I was 22ish and then the Cepacia about a year later. I didn't even really think about the bugs till after I got and my Mam was always very careful about not letting me mix with other CFers. It is really annoying trying to figure out where you caught it from, the nurse told me that Cepacia can be caught from old onions and flowers but I feel it was more likely on a visit to the clinic. I don't think about it that much but I don't culture either bugs right now even though I have a much lower lung function than before and I can't see why.




Caitlin I'm much like you, I also have cepacia and never hung out with any other CF ers, I was never even hospitalised until after I got it. I didn't get pseudomonas till I was 22ish and then the Cepacia about a year later. I didn't even really think about the bugs till after I got and my Mam was always very careful about not letting me mix with other CFers. It is really annoying trying to figure out where you caught it from, the nurse told me that Cepacia can be caught from old onions and flowers but I feel it was more likely on a visit to the clinic. I don't think about it that much but I don't culture either bugs right now even though I have a much lower lung function than before and I can't see why.



New member
In meaghans defense, her doctor is my doctor and she is probably the top CF doctor in the world. I would listen to anything she said in a second, Ive watched her make predictions, diagnosis, and all that hooplah and have been dead on all the time.



New member
In meaghans defense, her doctor is my doctor and she is probably the top CF doctor in the world. I would listen to anything she said in a second, Ive watched her make predictions, diagnosis, and all that hooplah and have been dead on all the time.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i><br>

And on another note, Meghan, you would be SHOCKED what phsycians know and are aware of. I talk to at least 9 physicians a day - some of them are brilliant and others are horrifying. And these are GP's I call on - man are pulmonolgists, ENT's, Infectious Disease people.

It's always a good idea, as I'm sure many can attest to on this site, to double check what your physician tells you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

my aunts financees dad is also the head of the Cf clinic in Montreal, so I'm pretty sure about that they know what they're talking about thank you....I'm not trying to start a big argument but canada has brilliant CF doctors and large well run CF clinics


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i><br>

And on another note, Meghan, you would be SHOCKED what phsycians know and are aware of. I talk to at least 9 physicians a day - some of them are brilliant and others are horrifying. And these are GP's I call on - man are pulmonolgists, ENT's, Infectious Disease people.

It's always a good idea, as I'm sure many can attest to on this site, to double check what your physician tells you. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

my aunts financees dad is also the head of the Cf clinic in Montreal, so I'm pretty sure about that they know what they're talking about thank you....I'm not trying to start a big argument but canada has brilliant CF doctors and large well run CF clinics


New member
I've heard that the vest and in some cases tobi isn't available in Canada.

BTW, what do you call the person who graduated LAST from medical school? Doctor! Doctors don't know all unfortunately. There's one person who posted on the family site who said her doctor laughed when she asked about people's concerns with hot tubs (germy cess pools).


New member
I've heard that the vest and in some cases tobi isn't available in Canada.

BTW, what do you call the person who graduated LAST from medical school? Doctor! Doctors don't know all unfortunately. There's one person who posted on the family site who said her doctor laughed when she asked about people's concerns with hot tubs (germy cess pools).


New member
Here's a lovely stat. I picked up when doing some research on this agricultural use of cepacia.
"50% of Cystic Fibrosis patients die within 1 year after contracting b. cepacia."

I've made my decision about the clinic I'm currently going to. I am not going back. I am going to go to one that does the gowning/gloving/masking technique. The clinic I left in Austin, TX just switched to this in the Fall. They said it is becoming a standard. I was a bit surprised to hear that they would be doing all precautions when entering my room because I have PA that is resistant to more than 3 antibiotics so it is considered multi-resistant PA and a danger to pass on to other CF'ers. In life I am very positive and optimistic, glass half full not half empty but forget optimism at clinic, reality check big time. Got to look out for #1. I really don't care if I look like a goon either - safety first. I just realize I'd realized all this when I was lilMeggies age.


New member
Here's a lovely stat. I picked up when doing some research on this agricultural use of cepacia.
"50% of Cystic Fibrosis patients die within 1 year after contracting b. cepacia."

I've made my decision about the clinic I'm currently going to. I am not going back. I am going to go to one that does the gowning/gloving/masking technique. The clinic I left in Austin, TX just switched to this in the Fall. They said it is becoming a standard. I was a bit surprised to hear that they would be doing all precautions when entering my room because I have PA that is resistant to more than 3 antibiotics so it is considered multi-resistant PA and a danger to pass on to other CF'ers. In life I am very positive and optimistic, glass half full not half empty but forget optimism at clinic, reality check big time. Got to look out for #1. I really don't care if I look like a goon either - safety first. I just realize I'd realized all this when I was lilMeggies age.


New member

Just wondering, where did you get that statistic? I haven't heard anything like that. Anyway, if it is accurate, I guess I missed that 50%. I think I've known about my cepacia for almost 10 years.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.



New member

Just wondering, where did you get that statistic? I haven't heard anything like that. Anyway, if it is accurate, I guess I missed that 50%. I think I've known about my cepacia for almost 10 years.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.



New member
Just curious as to what the procedures are at other CF Clinics? Our local clinic has a community waiting room and it's up to the patients if they want their own room or not. This isn't an accreditted CF clinic though. We opt for our own room

Our regular CF appointments in the City, they don't have CF Clinics, we just see the CF peds specialist a couple times a year. We rarely see anyone there. Usually go directly to our room where we stay until it's time to leave.



New member
Just curious as to what the procedures are at other CF Clinics? Our local clinic has a community waiting room and it's up to the patients if they want their own room or not. This isn't an accreditted CF clinic though. We opt for our own room

Our regular CF appointments in the City, they don't have CF Clinics, we just see the CF peds specialist a couple times a year. We rarely see anyone there. Usually go directly to our room where we stay until it's time to leave.



New member
OK I have a ??? about Cepacia. What is the time frame it survives on things or people? I ask because if my sister goes with me for a checkup & she waits in the waiting room & happens to be next to a CFer or more likely someone with another CFer who has Cepacia or another bug.....what are the chances of me getting that from my sister being in close contact? No worse then me being thru the area?


New member
OK I have a ??? about Cepacia. What is the time frame it survives on things or people? I ask because if my sister goes with me for a checkup & she waits in the waiting room & happens to be next to a CFer or more likely someone with another CFer who has Cepacia or another bug.....what are the chances of me getting that from my sister being in close contact? No worse then me being thru the area?