Question on Cepacia


New member
I have a 2nd cousin w/ CF who does not have cepacia. Since I do, I've never been able to be with her. She's very young, like 8 or 9, so it's not too hard yet.
But I think about when she's older, and if she'll want to talk to me. It might be hard then. For now, the best thing I can do for her is stay away from her. I'd never risk giving her or anyone it. And, I can always use email or the phone after all.



New member
I have a 2nd cousin w/ CF who does not have cepacia. Since I do, I've never been able to be with her. She's very young, like 8 or 9, so it's not too hard yet.
But I think about when she's older, and if she'll want to talk to me. It might be hard then. For now, the best thing I can do for her is stay away from her. I'd never risk giving her or anyone it. And, I can always use email or the phone after all.



New member
We just found out 2 months ago that my daughter, 16 has cultured cepecia, she had not been hospitalized more than 4 times in her life and she has not been around other teenagers or children with CF. We do live in a farming area and I feel sure that this is where she contracted cepacia (dirt, water....) It is very frustrating, she has never cultured psuedo but 1st bug she gets is cepacia. She is currently very healthy (last Dr visit great!) and the last sputum did not culture cepacia, Dr. says that not every test will culture cepacia and until she has a really good lung infection and while sick does not culture cepacia, then he will be more optomistic. She has made friends with a few of you on the forum and you have helped sooooo much. Just talking to other people that understand helps her. I just wanted to say thank you all!!

Tamara's mom


New member
We just found out 2 months ago that my daughter, 16 has cultured cepecia, she had not been hospitalized more than 4 times in her life and she has not been around other teenagers or children with CF. We do live in a farming area and I feel sure that this is where she contracted cepacia (dirt, water....) It is very frustrating, she has never cultured psuedo but 1st bug she gets is cepacia. She is currently very healthy (last Dr visit great!) and the last sputum did not culture cepacia, Dr. says that not every test will culture cepacia and until she has a really good lung infection and while sick does not culture cepacia, then he will be more optomistic. She has made friends with a few of you on the forum and you have helped sooooo much. Just talking to other people that understand helps her. I just wanted to say thank you all!!

Tamara's mom


New member
We just found out 2 months ago that my daughter, 16 has cultured cepecia, she had not been hospitalized more than 4 times in her life and she has not been around other teenagers or children with CF. We do live in a farming area and I feel sure that this is where she contracted cepacia (dirt, water....) It is very frustrating, she has never cultured psuedo but 1st bug she gets is cepacia. She is currently very healthy (last Dr visit great!) and the last sputum did not culture cepacia, Dr. says that not every test will culture cepacia and until she has a really good lung infection and while sick does not culture cepacia, then he will be more optomistic. She has made friends with a few of you on the forum and you have helped sooooo much. Just talking to other people that understand helps her. I just wanted to say thank you all!!

Tamara's mom


New member
We just found out 2 months ago that my daughter, 16 has cultured cepecia, she had not been hospitalized more than 4 times in her life and she has not been around other teenagers or children with CF. We do live in a farming area and I feel sure that this is where she contracted cepacia (dirt, water....) It is very frustrating, she has never cultured psuedo but 1st bug she gets is cepacia. She is currently very healthy (last Dr visit great!) and the last sputum did not culture cepacia, Dr. says that not every test will culture cepacia and until she has a really good lung infection and while sick does not culture cepacia, then he will be more optomistic. She has made friends with a few of you on the forum and you have helped sooooo much. Just talking to other people that understand helps her. I just wanted to say thank you all!!

Tamara's mom


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I have a 2nd cousin w/ CF who does not have cepacia. Since I do, I've never been able to be with her. She's very young, like 8 or 9, so it's not too hard yet.

But I think about when she's older, and if she'll want to talk to me. It might be hard then. For now, the best thing I can do for her is stay away from her. I'd never risk giving her or anyone it. And, I can always use email or the phone after all.


Why not just wear a mask, and do normal things like sit in the same room and watch movies and talk or something? As long as you take normal logical precautions, there shouldn't be any reasons why you can't spend some form of time with her.

Wear a mask, dont share drinks/food/utensils, keep space, etc.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I have a 2nd cousin w/ CF who does not have cepacia. Since I do, I've never been able to be with her. She's very young, like 8 or 9, so it's not too hard yet.

But I think about when she's older, and if she'll want to talk to me. It might be hard then. For now, the best thing I can do for her is stay away from her. I'd never risk giving her or anyone it. And, I can always use email or the phone after all.


Why not just wear a mask, and do normal things like sit in the same room and watch movies and talk or something? As long as you take normal logical precautions, there shouldn't be any reasons why you can't spend some form of time with her.

Wear a mask, dont share drinks/food/utensils, keep space, etc.


New member
did I say once that cepacia wasn't a major issue no I didn't. I just cannot believe the lack of respect for the medical world, the people that work EXTREMLY hard to keep us BREATHING, those doctors and nurses that worked day and night in school to graduate and become professionals. I am alive today because I have followed every precaution, every piece of advice I have been given by those doctors, some of you think are so wrong. I ask questions and get the proper answers to those questions. Im going to stand up for those who treat us and keep us all alive. Who caught cepacia from another CFer here???? can you prove it BEYOND a doubt that you did? no I'm sorry I personally do not believe you can. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to those who have it, but you could have gotten it from anywhere or anyone. Bacteria lives everywhere, cepacia is everywhere. Running and hiding from eachother is not going to stop cepacia, following proper hand washing and caution will. I have learned more about myself and more about this disease just from the few weeks I've been sharing coffee with chad and honestly I would never give that up because I'm scared of bacteria that could waiting for me in the clinic anyway....


New member
did I say once that cepacia wasn't a major issue no I didn't. I just cannot believe the lack of respect for the medical world, the people that work EXTREMLY hard to keep us BREATHING, those doctors and nurses that worked day and night in school to graduate and become professionals. I am alive today because I have followed every precaution, every piece of advice I have been given by those doctors, some of you think are so wrong. I ask questions and get the proper answers to those questions. Im going to stand up for those who treat us and keep us all alive. Who caught cepacia from another CFer here???? can you prove it BEYOND a doubt that you did? no I'm sorry I personally do not believe you can. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to those who have it, but you could have gotten it from anywhere or anyone. Bacteria lives everywhere, cepacia is everywhere. Running and hiding from eachother is not going to stop cepacia, following proper hand washing and caution will. I have learned more about myself and more about this disease just from the few weeks I've been sharing coffee with chad and honestly I would never give that up because I'm scared of bacteria that could waiting for me in the clinic anyway....


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>lilMeggies</b></i><br> I have learned more about myself and more about this disease just from the few weeks I've been sharing coffee with chad and honestly I would never give that up because I'm scared of bacteria that could waiting for me in the clinic anyway....<hr></blockquote>

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I see why you are taking this so personal, Meg, everyone is saying how they feel and think. No one really cares, (not to be rude) what you personally decide to do.

I am one of those health care professionals, and I have sacrificed a lot to get to where I am, but I don't know everything... hardly... BUT I PERSONALLY agree with you on going around others with Cepacia, I don't have a problem with it as long as you are careful.....

Again, what i have a problem with is you telling a very nice person to SHOVE IT. You owe her an apology for being so rude. I think you are feeling like we are trying to threaten your relationship with Chad.. and I can understand because I am very protective of my relationships to. people are entitled to thier feelings... and you are entitled to yours as long as they are not rude...That is the way the forum goes...Honestly, I have seen ppl banned for less rude posts.

Two of my friends have Cepacia, That would never stop me from hanging out with them, Last time I was in MN, I hugged and kissed one of my friends with Cepacia...not smart and I wouldn't do it again.. but I am just saying.. I didn't know to much about it then like I do now..

I would never, ever trade my friends that have cepacia for anything in the world. People are people and it is horrible to name them by the diseases or bugs they have.. talk about making someone feel like a leaper....To this day, if they didn't live so far away, I would be there, involved in their liveseven more.. ....

Thanks for appreciating all the doctors and nurses do to learn are right, they give up years of their life to try to learn things...They are not always right. no one is telling you to give Chad up.

If it upsets you so much to see people share their thoughts about it, then don't read it, and certainly don't give someone that much power over you to upset you and have you go from being a nice person to someone who is being rude.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>lilMeggies</b></i><br> I have learned more about myself and more about this disease just from the few weeks I've been sharing coffee with chad and honestly I would never give that up because I'm scared of bacteria that could waiting for me in the clinic anyway....<hr></blockquote>

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I see why you are taking this so personal, Meg, everyone is saying how they feel and think. No one really cares, (not to be rude) what you personally decide to do.

I am one of those health care professionals, and I have sacrificed a lot to get to where I am, but I don't know everything... hardly... BUT I PERSONALLY agree with you on going around others with Cepacia, I don't have a problem with it as long as you are careful.....

Again, what i have a problem with is you telling a very nice person to SHOVE IT. You owe her an apology for being so rude. I think you are feeling like we are trying to threaten your relationship with Chad.. and I can understand because I am very protective of my relationships to. people are entitled to thier feelings... and you are entitled to yours as long as they are not rude...That is the way the forum goes...Honestly, I have seen ppl banned for less rude posts.

Two of my friends have Cepacia, That would never stop me from hanging out with them, Last time I was in MN, I hugged and kissed one of my friends with Cepacia...not smart and I wouldn't do it again.. but I am just saying.. I didn't know to much about it then like I do now..

I would never, ever trade my friends that have cepacia for anything in the world. People are people and it is horrible to name them by the diseases or bugs they have.. talk about making someone feel like a leaper....To this day, if they didn't live so far away, I would be there, involved in their liveseven more.. ....

Thanks for appreciating all the doctors and nurses do to learn are right, they give up years of their life to try to learn things...They are not always right. no one is telling you to give Chad up.

If it upsets you so much to see people share their thoughts about it, then don't read it, and certainly don't give someone that much power over you to upset you and have you go from being a nice person to someone who is being rude.



New member
meghan, you are totally entitled to your opinion- i guess some people aren't willing to take that risk, or risk others. i would feel SO guilty if i knew someone caught cepacia from me, especially a friend! I know some people who definitely know they caught cepacia from the hospital also, i.e., another patient. Some have never been hospitalized before, go in for something routine after a life of being healthy, and come out colonized with b. cepacia.

ALSO, I think I mentioned in a previous post that although cepacia is in the environment in an organic form, everyone seems to think it is highly doubtful that this is the form that colonizes CF patients. Psuedo is much more likely to do this- (maybe why more people have pseudo). A patient with CF who has never been hospitalized or in clinic (if that existed) i think would have a 0% chance of catching cepacia. It only makes sense really, because the way that cepacia exists in a HUMAN, as opposed to the form it might take in farm chemicals, or rotten onions, would be more easily transacted to another human. It is similar to the whole bird flu scare and how they think it is much less likely that the virus jump from bird - to - human, but once it got to the human it could spread very quickly. It is because the agent is different. This is the case for many viruses, bacterias, diseases.

As far as someone asking about cepacia Dolosa- jane it was you i think- I know we go to the same hospital and you may not know but all of the Dolosa patients are seen in an entirely different wing of the hospital. Once a doctor goes over there to see thier dolosa patient, they are not allowed to return to the regular clinic. For example, on wednesdays my doctor sees regular patients in the morning, and then her dolosa patients in the afternoon. So after 12pm, once she goes there, she cant come back. They are also not admitting dolosa patients over at the new Brigham program and wont be, and they are in a separate wing in the hospital when admitted.

Dolosa was a publicized outbreak at Children's in boston about a year or two ago, and it was pretty bad. A couple people died actually, but there are patients with it now who are doing fine, just like regular cepacia. It shouldn't be seen as a "leper" type situation either, but the precautions were necessary after the acute outbreak.

22 w/ CF, b. cepacia


New member
meghan, you are totally entitled to your opinion- i guess some people aren't willing to take that risk, or risk others. i would feel SO guilty if i knew someone caught cepacia from me, especially a friend! I know some people who definitely know they caught cepacia from the hospital also, i.e., another patient. Some have never been hospitalized before, go in for something routine after a life of being healthy, and come out colonized with b. cepacia.

ALSO, I think I mentioned in a previous post that although cepacia is in the environment in an organic form, everyone seems to think it is highly doubtful that this is the form that colonizes CF patients. Psuedo is much more likely to do this- (maybe why more people have pseudo). A patient with CF who has never been hospitalized or in clinic (if that existed) i think would have a 0% chance of catching cepacia. It only makes sense really, because the way that cepacia exists in a HUMAN, as opposed to the form it might take in farm chemicals, or rotten onions, would be more easily transacted to another human. It is similar to the whole bird flu scare and how they think it is much less likely that the virus jump from bird - to - human, but once it got to the human it could spread very quickly. It is because the agent is different. This is the case for many viruses, bacterias, diseases.

As far as someone asking about cepacia Dolosa- jane it was you i think- I know we go to the same hospital and you may not know but all of the Dolosa patients are seen in an entirely different wing of the hospital. Once a doctor goes over there to see thier dolosa patient, they are not allowed to return to the regular clinic. For example, on wednesdays my doctor sees regular patients in the morning, and then her dolosa patients in the afternoon. So after 12pm, once she goes there, she cant come back. They are also not admitting dolosa patients over at the new Brigham program and wont be, and they are in a separate wing in the hospital when admitted.

Dolosa was a publicized outbreak at Children's in boston about a year or two ago, and it was pretty bad. A couple people died actually, but there are patients with it now who are doing fine, just like regular cepacia. It shouldn't be seen as a "leper" type situation either, but the precautions were necessary after the acute outbreak.

22 w/ CF, b. cepacia


New member
Again, Jennifer...good thoughts.

To answer your question, SeanDavis-If it was up to me, I'd love to spend time with my cousin, but years ago, when the little one was DX, her parents (my 1st cousins) -very respectfully asked my parents that we be separated. And my parents agreed to that then, and I still respect my cousins choice.

I'm not a mother yet, but I can still imagine that I'd want to take literally every single safety precaution possible. And to me, -and with the technology of email-, the chance of giving it to her is not worth it. And the chances are high. If it was actually another patient that gave it to me years ago, I certainly wish they hadn't! It would mean possibly a longer life, more meds that I could take, and less complications with future pregnancy.

I agree how you said, SD a few posts back, how it's the social patients that live the longest. But for me, this is my socialization. Not only does it fill my need, but it's also a great-and non-tiring way to be with friends. Sometimes with my non-cf friends, just meeting for a movie can be exhausting!

I agree with what you guys are saying about still hanging out with fellow CFers, and not caring b/c of the benefits of your friendships. But having cepacia and knowing the life shortening effects it has, I couldn't willingly take the risk of giving it to someone else. I couldn't do that to someone. No matter how close I was to them, or how much I loved them.

Especially now that I'm older, and thinking about having children.........oh I wish I didn't have it.


not trying to offend anyone!!! this is just my opinion!!


New member
Again, Jennifer...good thoughts.

To answer your question, SeanDavis-If it was up to me, I'd love to spend time with my cousin, but years ago, when the little one was DX, her parents (my 1st cousins) -very respectfully asked my parents that we be separated. And my parents agreed to that then, and I still respect my cousins choice.

I'm not a mother yet, but I can still imagine that I'd want to take literally every single safety precaution possible. And to me, -and with the technology of email-, the chance of giving it to her is not worth it. And the chances are high. If it was actually another patient that gave it to me years ago, I certainly wish they hadn't! It would mean possibly a longer life, more meds that I could take, and less complications with future pregnancy.

I agree how you said, SD a few posts back, how it's the social patients that live the longest. But for me, this is my socialization. Not only does it fill my need, but it's also a great-and non-tiring way to be with friends. Sometimes with my non-cf friends, just meeting for a movie can be exhausting!

I agree with what you guys are saying about still hanging out with fellow CFers, and not caring b/c of the benefits of your friendships. But having cepacia and knowing the life shortening effects it has, I couldn't willingly take the risk of giving it to someone else. I couldn't do that to someone. No matter how close I was to them, or how much I loved them.

Especially now that I'm older, and thinking about having children.........oh I wish I didn't have it.


not trying to offend anyone!!! this is just my opinion!!


New member
THis is a tough topic. Because doctors arent 100% sure they know how cfs can contract. Other than human to human, and what not, but even if one does and one doesnt have BC its not even sure it will be passed for sure. This topic is alot like philosophy. No one will have the right answer. Of course precautions are necessary, as long as you are educated. Ive had many cf friends SOO many. Its good to educate yourself on an individual basis. What friend has what. Obviously if they have BC and you dont, you dont wanna run and have sex with them. But if they dont, you can estimate your risks if you think they are worth it. Ive shared drinks, food, hugged, kissed, shook hands...we judge our own risks. You know the phrase "you play with fire you get burned" well theres another, "there are two sides to every coin" may not get burned.



New member
THis is a tough topic. Because doctors arent 100% sure they know how cfs can contract. Other than human to human, and what not, but even if one does and one doesnt have BC its not even sure it will be passed for sure. This topic is alot like philosophy. No one will have the right answer. Of course precautions are necessary, as long as you are educated. Ive had many cf friends SOO many. Its good to educate yourself on an individual basis. What friend has what. Obviously if they have BC and you dont, you dont wanna run and have sex with them. But if they dont, you can estimate your risks if you think they are worth it. Ive shared drinks, food, hugged, kissed, shook hands...we judge our own risks. You know the phrase "you play with fire you get burned" well theres another, "there are two sides to every coin" may not get burned.



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chad</b></i><br> You know the phrase "you play with fire you get burned" well theres another, "there are two sides to every coin" may not get burned.<hr></blockquote>

Very good point. You just have to make sure when you play with that fire... you're prepared to deal IF you get burned. You may not, but you need to be able to accept the possibility.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chad</b></i><br> You know the phrase "you play with fire you get burned" well theres another, "there are two sides to every coin" may not get burned.<hr></blockquote>

Very good point. You just have to make sure when you play with that fire... you're prepared to deal IF you get burned. You may not, but you need to be able to accept the possibility.