.As a nurse to be (10 weeks wahooo) I wouldn't ever take care of or be a nurse for another patient that had CF of any kind, period. Nor would I ever, ever recommend it professionally...
But as a friend of several CFers, I would defintely hang out with them and I have. Two years ago, I flew with another CFer who had a lung transplant.. to Minnesota to the transplant games. We met up with a bunch of ppl that we all knew from the website. It was truly an amazing experience for me.
I stayed for most of the nights in a hotel with another CFer ( like I said she was post transplant) and I wasn't culturing anything at the time but one of the nights I slept at my friend John and Jennys house. John has CF and we all have become such great friends. and I wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world. I bonded with them so much, that I flew back down there last Christmas. They have become a part of my everyday life now... John now has cepecia so things are a bit trickey and he is real sick now, so I haven't been back..YEt
So that being said, it is up to you what you do, if I knew then what I know now, I would have been more careful but still do it... One of my friends, did have Cepacia at the time, and I knew it, but neither him nor I was as careful as we should have been... As long as you are aware that their is a REAL RISK...you really never know, what ppl are going to culture next.