I cant believe that people are STILL being told their odds of living as soon as a dx is given. I can understand 30 years ago (or more) when I was dx & they didnt have any new meds, the illness was still being learned about etc. But with the advances & extension of the "average" life span.....I find it totally wrong that such poor outlooks are given to people still. I realize CF isnt all peaches & cream, but for crying out loud.......My parents are a perfect example of the "untruths" or "unknown" by them being told at age 7 which is when I was dx that I wouldnt live to my teens. In my teens I was told I wouldnt live to my twenties. In my twenties I was told I wont make it to my thirties. Come on! Here I am 30 years later with problems that have increased, but lots of fight left. Until an actual cure is found.....we all know that CF is eventually fatal. The ??? is WHEN for EACH person does this occur. All the info given is so statistical which is helpful with certain things. But when genetic, environment, life style, access to healthcare/meds, finances & personal input all reflects on the timing......how on earth can you put a number on that!. I guess this really hit a nerve this morning & I apologize. I just HATE to see people put in an immediate panic!