

New member
This might be kind of a stupid question, but my mother always says, "there are no stupid questions, only stupid people," so guess what that makes me?!

Anyways, here goes.......

Some days I cough up alot of little chunks. Like hardened clumps of mucous (SO gross, I know). The weird thing is, it's either a chunk day or it isn't. Like on a regular day, the crap I cough up is smooth and fluid. Then on a chunk day, all I cough is these hard chunks. Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone know if coughing these chunks is a good thing or a bad thing? My aunt works for a respirologist, and she says that he says it's a good thing because it shows that your lungs/muscles are strong enough to get these 'plugs' out. I personally don't think it's a good thing (or a very pleasant thing). Do you think different CFers have different amounts of these chunky plugs? Does everyone cough these up? I try to write down information on chunk days (health, diet, weather, etc) to try to find a correlation to what causes the coughing up of these, but haven't found a logical relationship yet. Any one else have any thoughts/experiences?


New member
i think all cfers cough the up once in a while... my own experiences have been that i have a mix mostly just mucus with the occational plug. i tend to agree with your aunt that it is a good thing because these plugs trap mucus causing it to harbor bacteria...VERY BAD

awesome idea about the writting stuff down to find a correlation... hope that helps you get an idea on whats going on... let us know how that goes and what you learn...


New member
Definitely want to cough those up.  If you have not tried
Hypertonic Saline, give it a try.  This helps me at least
cough more (a lot) up during treatments and
now practically zero during the day.<br>