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hello my name is missy. i am single mom for 4 kids.3 of which have asthma.the reason i write to you is to see if one can help me.i have a son who is only 6 years old.his name is kieran. well when kieran was born he was sick all the time with cronic ear inf. and upper resiptori inf.all the time back and forth to his peds dr.well just recently i took kieran to asthma dr.cause i was getting no where with his peds dr.kieran seen the asthma dr before this past new years eve.and the dr listen to me well.i told him how kieran cough all the time and sinues inf.he suggest that i ask the ped dr to give kieran pumavox vaccine to see if it would help him and also had a ear inf. he gave me asthma meds to use and antibotic for my son. ant told me to bring him back in 2 weeks.well now we at now at the 2 week vist kieran back to asthma still coughing.and still got the sinues inf.well i told him at this time kieran got the vaccine.and had a flu shot too in november.now he suggested kieran go get a sweat test.which is schulede for feb 13 2004.now i got 2 other daughter with asthma ages 14 years and 3 years old.but they are good.never heard of this test before.now on jan 28 2004 i called asthma dr to say my son is still coughing and congested.he was put on bixan antibotic.and qvar inhaler along with nasnox for his nosekieran coughs will only go away for 2 weeks at a time then he can cough for a month. this may sound stupid and that i am rambling on but i am really scared.he cant go out and play in cold cause he will cough.alsokieran was put on predisone liquid.plz some one help me.am i jumping the gun and a too worried mother of a unmanged asthmic child are does this sound alot like my son has cystic fibrosis