Questions about fecal elastase?


New member
My son had normal fecal elastase and was still dx with pancreatic insufficiency. He has gained 15 lbs since starting enzymes. His fecal fat was high.


New member
How was he dx? did they repeat the test or do another test or just go on progs with gaining weight? Thanks!


New member
How was he dx? did they repeat the test or do another test or just go on progs with gaining weight? Thanks!


New member
How was he dx? did they repeat the test or do another test or just go on progs with gaining weight? Thanks!


New member
We went to a 2nd opinion in GI and I was told that the fecal elatace test is depending on how much fat the person eats.  For this reason a 3 day fecal test is needed during which time a good diary including total grams of fat per day was required in order to really use a fecal fat test to determine pacreatic insufficiency.  I was also told that the gold standard test for pancreatic insufficiency is a pancreatic stimulation test done duirng endoscopy.  My daughter was scheduled for this test and yet again her lung function being low means that is higher risk for anesthesia.  So we postponed the endoscopy waiting to find out if she will have bronchoscopy and then hoping they can be done at the same time so anesthesia one time for two different tests.  Best wishes. 


New member
We went to a 2nd opinion in GI and I was told that the fecal elatace test is depending on how much fat the person eats. For this reason a 3 day fecal test is needed during which time a good diary including total grams of fat per day was required in order to really use a fecal fat test to determine pacreatic insufficiency. I was also told that the gold standard test for pancreatic insufficiency is a pancreatic stimulation test done duirng endoscopy. My daughter was scheduled for this test and yet again her lung function being low means that is higher risk for anesthesia. So we postponed the endoscopy waiting to find out if she will have bronchoscopy and then hoping they can be done at the same time so anesthesia one time for two different tests. Best wishes.


New member
<p>We went to a 2nd opinion in GI and I was told that the fecal elatace test is depending on how much fat the person eats. For this reason a 3 day fecal test is needed during which time a good diary including total grams of fat per day was required in order to really use a fecal fat test to determine pacreatic insufficiency. I was also told that the gold standard test for pancreatic insufficiency is a pancreatic stimulation test done duirng endoscopy. My daughter was scheduled for this test and yet again her lung function being low means that is higher risk for anesthesia. So we postponed the endoscopy waiting to find out if she will have bronchoscopy and then hoping they can be done at the same time so anesthesia one time for two different tests. Best wishes.


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<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 9pt"><FONT color=#000000>I was at my children's GI today to get my daughters results. Her elastase was normal but her fat fecal was very high. He explained to me that if she had taken enzymes at the time of the sample (which she had) that would explain the "normal" elastase #. He also said that you can't rule out insufficiency with one normal elastase test and someone having weight issues and GI symptoms. He also said that people can be a normal weight even have extra weight and still be in need of enzymes. </FONT></SPAN></P>


New member
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 9pt"><FONT color=#000000>I was at my children's GI today to get my daughters results. Her elastase was normal but her fat fecal was very high. He explained to me that if she had taken enzymes at the time of the sample (which she had)that would explain the "normal" elastase #. He also said that you can't rule out insufficiency with one normal elastase test and someone having weight issues and GI symptoms. He also said that people can be a normal weight even have extra weight and still be in need of enzymes. </FONT></SPAN></P>


New member
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 9pt"><FONT color=#000000>I was at my children's GI today to get my daughters results. Her elastase was normal but her fat fecal was very high. He explained to me that if she had taken enzymes at the time of the sample (which she had)that would explain the "normal" elastase #. He also said that you can't rule out insufficiency with one normal elastase test and someone having weight issues and GI symptoms. He also said that people can be a normal weight even have extra weight and still be in need of enzymes. </FONT></SPAN></P>


New member
Hmm, that's interesting. She's been failure to thrive for a long time. She just had bowel resection done due to chronic constipation. They had to remove 28 inches of bowel that was coiled on top of itself.


New member
Hmm, that's interesting. She's been failure to thrive for a long time. She just had bowel resection done due to chronic constipation. They had to remove 28 inches of bowel that was coiled on top of itself.


New member
Hmm, that's interesting. She's been failure to thrive for a long time. She just had bowel resection done due to chronic constipation. They had to remove 28 inches of bowel that was coiled on top of itself.