Hi @Alex101!
Welcome to the forums! Where up north are you from? I am originally from NH, but have lived in AZ for 4 years now. I have found AZ easier for my breathing; the lack of humidity is greatly appreciated! On an AZ note, be sure to drink more water than you think you have to and I used to take a salt tabs & drink Gatorade during the summers! As far as traveling with equipment, I ALWAYS keep all medication equipment on my person when flying/traveling. I use a PARI Trek S nebulizer (it has a battery pack and can run off a car if you're not somewhere with a wall unit). I keep a note from my doctor stating I travel with several medications (including pills, nebulizer, and liquid nebulizer vials). I do not bring my Vest (I travel with Aerobika), but it should not be counted against you as it is medical equipment. You can always call TSA at your airport as well to see if they have suggestions.