When I was younger I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out. At age 8. At age 10 or 11 I tested positive for cycstic fibrosis. I was sent to riley hospital (bigger hospital for kids) where they ran more test and they come back negative. Said I didn't have cycstic fibrosis. at age 14 i had sinus surgery. No exaggeration. My mom came out and told me that the Dr. told her that he does at least one of these a week and has never seen one with sinuses as bad as mine at that age level. They asked me if my mucus was green or clear. I looked puzzled.... It's green I said.. it always has been. I've had sinus issues to this day and congestion leading to the lungs... (i have no idea if this means a thing but when i spit it never comes out clean.. (almost never).. it will be stringy if you know what i mean... I'm on antibiotics at least twice a year and this last year i've missed two whole weeks of work because the build up has caused strep throat and pneumonia/bronchitis. It's always been in the back of my head that maybe i do have cystic fibrosis... i really don't know the complete symptoms... but it often feels like someone is sitting on my chest and my mucus always is thick.. and very seldom clear. My wife just woke me up because I was laying flat gargling in my sleep. (i can't sleep in other positions) she said it sounded like i was drowning... so i get up and try my best to clear out my throat and ended up throwing up (very rare for me).... i've already been to my dr. already been put on short term disability..(for strep and the early stages of pneumonia it looked like again, ends this week).. should i be calling my dr back and making an appointment about this? Should I be concerned at all..?
I feel for those who do have to deal with a child by the way for the month my parents thought I had it at a younger age..... it tore them up... god bless you all.
I feel for those who do have to deal with a child by the way for the month my parents thought I had it at a younger age..... it tore them up... god bless you all.