Questions to those with CF


New member
Okay first off. You should not be forced to think about marriage if you are not ready for it yet, CF or no CF.
Secondly, I know that the thought of losing the person you love to CF is a horrible thought. Believe me, that has been a great fear in my life, marrying someone who I know I'll probably make a widow someday. But the fact is, if you love someone, TRULY love someone, then the fact that they have CF just makes the time you DO have together more precious. Talk to any of the widows on the adult board, none of them would ever say they regret marrying their husbands, they cherished the memories they made in the short time they had.

The fact is, it takes a lot of growth, a lot of wisdom and a LOT of love to get to that point, that's a very deep subject, something that most teenagers just aren't ready to face. If you are too young to be ready for that kind of responsibility and those kinds of decisions, that's okay. You shouldn't put yourself in a situation you feel your not yet ready for. Be honest, with your self, and with him. If you really love this guy give him all the love and support you can, if you feel like your not ready, there's nothing wrong with that, it actually shows that you are mature enough to know yourself.
I hope all goes well


New member
Honestly everyone with sickness's and disease's and disorder's deserve love just as much as the next healthy person. Just because we have something that could end our life at a young age doesn't mean we should lack love. A lot of people with CF already push themselves away from people to not get close to them so they don't get hurt when they possibly do pass away. We weren't given this horrible disease to lack love, but to make changes in other lives, to improve somewhere in something, to make a difference. We were given that opportunity through this disease, as horrible as that sounds. I hate this disease every day of my life, but I've learned you have to some how cope with it and live with it and beat it to your best. I say if you honestly can't live and be happy with someone even with their sickness being there and always be there till there is a cure then don't lead them on to think that you can handle it because then they can be out finding someone else who can handle it and will be with them every step of the way of their obstacle course.

I hope you truly find out what you want for the best of the both of you.


New member
Honestly everyone with sickness's and disease's and disorder's deserve love just as much as the next healthy person. Just because we have something that could end our life at a young age doesn't mean we should lack love. A lot of people with CF already push themselves away from people to not get close to them so they don't get hurt when they possibly do pass away. We weren't given this horrible disease to lack love, but to make changes in other lives, to improve somewhere in something, to make a difference. We were given that opportunity through this disease, as horrible as that sounds. I hate this disease every day of my life, but I've learned you have to some how cope with it and live with it and beat it to your best. I say if you honestly can't live and be happy with someone even with their sickness being there and always be there till there is a cure then don't lead them on to think that you can handle it because then they can be out finding someone else who can handle it and will be with them every step of the way of their obstacle course.

I hope you truly find out what you want for the best of the both of you.


New member
Honestly everyone with sickness's and disease's and disorder's deserve love just as much as the next healthy person. Just because we have something that could end our life at a young age doesn't mean we should lack love. A lot of people with CF already push themselves away from people to not get close to them so they don't get hurt when they possibly do pass away. We weren't given this horrible disease to lack love, but to make changes in other lives, to improve somewhere in something, to make a difference. We were given that opportunity through this disease, as horrible as that sounds. I hate this disease every day of my life, but I've learned you have to some how cope with it and live with it and beat it to your best. I say if you honestly can't live and be happy with someone even with their sickness being there and always be there till there is a cure then don't lead them on to think that you can handle it because then they can be out finding someone else who can handle it and will be with them every step of the way of their obstacle course.

I hope you truly find out what you want for the best of the both of you.


New member
Honestly everyone with sickness's and disease's and disorder's deserve love just as much as the next healthy person. Just because we have something that could end our life at a young age doesn't mean we should lack love. A lot of people with CF already push themselves away from people to not get close to them so they don't get hurt when they possibly do pass away. We weren't given this horrible disease to lack love, but to make changes in other lives, to improve somewhere in something, to make a difference. We were given that opportunity through this disease, as horrible as that sounds. I hate this disease every day of my life, but I've learned you have to some how cope with it and live with it and beat it to your best. I say if you honestly can't live and be happy with someone even with their sickness being there and always be there till there is a cure then don't lead them on to think that you can handle it because then they can be out finding someone else who can handle it and will be with them every step of the way of their obstacle course.

I hope you truly find out what you want for the best of the both of you.


New member
Honestly everyone with sickness's and disease's and disorder's deserve love just as much as the next healthy person. Just because we have something that could end our life at a young age doesn't mean we should lack love. A lot of people with CF already push themselves away from people to not get close to them so they don't get hurt when they possibly do pass away. We weren't given this horrible disease to lack love, but to make changes in other lives, to improve somewhere in something, to make a difference. We were given that opportunity through this disease, as horrible as that sounds. I hate this disease every day of my life, but I've learned you have to some how cope with it and live with it and beat it to your best. I say if you honestly can't live and be happy with someone even with their sickness being there and always be there till there is a cure then don't lead them on to think that you can handle it because then they can be out finding someone else who can handle it and will be with them every step of the way of their obstacle course.

I hope you truly find out what you want for the best of the both of you.