Questions to those with CF


New member
Wow, that can be a tough one. You would probably get a lot of good support on the "partners" section of this forum. When I had some issues with my B/F (I'm the one with CF by the way), I went to the partners area and ended up getting some really good advice there. It was Lisa (AKA, blondelawyer) that said the thing that stuck with me the most. She said she didn't CHOOSE to be with someone with CF. She fell in love with someone that just happened to have CF. Love is love, she said.

So for me that says it all - if you love your boyfriend then that's it. As much as I hate using the "anything could happen to anyone at any time" analogy, in some ways that really is true. You don't know what trials and tribulations might befall you in ANY relationship you're in. In some ways, knowing all about CF ahead of time gives you an advantage!!

Having said that, I definitely understand wanting to be independent and not feeling ready to be married just yet. For me, and this is just what I would want, if my partner knew (like really deep down, realistically knew) that they didn't see a future with me, I wouldn't want them to string me along just hoping their feelings would change. If CF is not something you want to deal with, that's understandable and it's really okay. We all know how difficult the disease is and I don't think anyone would judge you negatively for making that decision. If you just need some space and alone time, but truly love your guy and see a future with him that is great!! But, if you do not see a future with him, I think it will be more painful for both of you if you hang on to the hope that you will come together again one day. Knowing you are not right for each other doesn't mean you love each other any less either.

I'm sure this will be a controversial opinion, but it really is just an opinion based on my own personal experience. Being scared about CF is one thing; being scared about your relationship is quite another. Make sure you know what it is that really scares you before you make any decisions. Best of luck to you *hugs*


New member
Wow, that can be a tough one. You would probably get a lot of good support on the "partners" section of this forum. When I had some issues with my B/F (I'm the one with CF by the way), I went to the partners area and ended up getting some really good advice there. It was Lisa (AKA, blondelawyer) that said the thing that stuck with me the most. She said she didn't CHOOSE to be with someone with CF. She fell in love with someone that just happened to have CF. Love is love, she said.

So for me that says it all - if you love your boyfriend then that's it. As much as I hate using the "anything could happen to anyone at any time" analogy, in some ways that really is true. You don't know what trials and tribulations might befall you in ANY relationship you're in. In some ways, knowing all about CF ahead of time gives you an advantage!!

Having said that, I definitely understand wanting to be independent and not feeling ready to be married just yet. For me, and this is just what I would want, if my partner knew (like really deep down, realistically knew) that they didn't see a future with me, I wouldn't want them to string me along just hoping their feelings would change. If CF is not something you want to deal with, that's understandable and it's really okay. We all know how difficult the disease is and I don't think anyone would judge you negatively for making that decision. If you just need some space and alone time, but truly love your guy and see a future with him that is great!! But, if you do not see a future with him, I think it will be more painful for both of you if you hang on to the hope that you will come together again one day. Knowing you are not right for each other doesn't mean you love each other any less either.

I'm sure this will be a controversial opinion, but it really is just an opinion based on my own personal experience. Being scared about CF is one thing; being scared about your relationship is quite another. Make sure you know what it is that really scares you before you make any decisions. Best of luck to you *hugs*


New member
Wow, that can be a tough one. You would probably get a lot of good support on the "partners" section of this forum. When I had some issues with my B/F (I'm the one with CF by the way), I went to the partners area and ended up getting some really good advice there. It was Lisa (AKA, blondelawyer) that said the thing that stuck with me the most. She said she didn't CHOOSE to be with someone with CF. She fell in love with someone that just happened to have CF. Love is love, she said.

So for me that says it all - if you love your boyfriend then that's it. As much as I hate using the "anything could happen to anyone at any time" analogy, in some ways that really is true. You don't know what trials and tribulations might befall you in ANY relationship you're in. In some ways, knowing all about CF ahead of time gives you an advantage!!

Having said that, I definitely understand wanting to be independent and not feeling ready to be married just yet. For me, and this is just what I would want, if my partner knew (like really deep down, realistically knew) that they didn't see a future with me, I wouldn't want them to string me along just hoping their feelings would change. If CF is not something you want to deal with, that's understandable and it's really okay. We all know how difficult the disease is and I don't think anyone would judge you negatively for making that decision. If you just need some space and alone time, but truly love your guy and see a future with him that is great!! But, if you do not see a future with him, I think it will be more painful for both of you if you hang on to the hope that you will come together again one day. Knowing you are not right for each other doesn't mean you love each other any less either.

I'm sure this will be a controversial opinion, but it really is just an opinion based on my own personal experience. Being scared about CF is one thing; being scared about your relationship is quite another. Make sure you know what it is that really scares you before you make any decisions. Best of luck to you *hugs*


New member
Wow, that can be a tough one. You would probably get a lot of good support on the "partners" section of this forum. When I had some issues with my B/F (I'm the one with CF by the way), I went to the partners area and ended up getting some really good advice there. It was Lisa (AKA, blondelawyer) that said the thing that stuck with me the most. She said she didn't CHOOSE to be with someone with CF. She fell in love with someone that just happened to have CF. Love is love, she said.

So for me that says it all - if you love your boyfriend then that's it. As much as I hate using the "anything could happen to anyone at any time" analogy, in some ways that really is true. You don't know what trials and tribulations might befall you in ANY relationship you're in. In some ways, knowing all about CF ahead of time gives you an advantage!!

Having said that, I definitely understand wanting to be independent and not feeling ready to be married just yet. For me, and this is just what I would want, if my partner knew (like really deep down, realistically knew) that they didn't see a future with me, I wouldn't want them to string me along just hoping their feelings would change. If CF is not something you want to deal with, that's understandable and it's really okay. We all know how difficult the disease is and I don't think anyone would judge you negatively for making that decision. If you just need some space and alone time, but truly love your guy and see a future with him that is great!! But, if you do not see a future with him, I think it will be more painful for both of you if you hang on to the hope that you will come together again one day. Knowing you are not right for each other doesn't mean you love each other any less either.

I'm sure this will be a controversial opinion, but it really is just an opinion based on my own personal experience. Being scared about CF is one thing; being scared about your relationship is quite another. Make sure you know what it is that really scares you before you make any decisions. Best of luck to you *hugs*


New member
Thank you so much for your advice. You all have really given me some things to think about, and I know it just comes down to if I really see a future with him. Right now, I have my doubts only because this is really my first relationship. Thanks and much love to you all.


New member
Thank you so much for your advice. You all have really given me some things to think about, and I know it just comes down to if I really see a future with him. Right now, I have my doubts only because this is really my first relationship. Thanks and much love to you all.


New member
Thank you so much for your advice. You all have really given me some things to think about, and I know it just comes down to if I really see a future with him. Right now, I have my doubts only because this is really my first relationship. Thanks and much love to you all.


New member
Thank you so much for your advice. You all have really given me some things to think about, and I know it just comes down to if I really see a future with him. Right now, I have my doubts only because this is really my first relationship. Thanks and much love to you all.


New member
Thank you so much for your advice. You all have really given me some things to think about, and I know it just comes down to if I really see a future with him. Right now, I have my doubts only because this is really my first relationship. Thanks and much love to you all.


New member
Thank you so much for your advice. You all have really given me some things to think about, and I know it just comes down to if I really see a future with him. Right now, I have my doubts only because this is really my first relationship. Thanks and much love to you all.