hey so my husband has CF and he was diagnosed at 3 months old, and they told him that he wasnt supposed to live past 13, then when he made it to 13, he was told 18, so he went out and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day and did drugs, he is 30 now and he is definetly paying for it... his biggest fear is that he is going to die very soon, and its scarey to know that its a possibility. im not too sure what to say to him to make him know that things will be okay..he cant breathe, he fears that he will not wake up if he does go to sleep, but im seeing on this site that there are a lot of older CF people, i guess what im trying to ask is does anyone know the average age for a CF person with no lung transplant? My husband no longer smokes, he drinks, but that is it...no drugs no nothing.