Quick question


New member
Based on what I've read from others here, I understand that the absolute best thing is to have a different neb for each medicine and to wash, then boil each neb between uses (the boiling part is in the Pari literature, for CF patients).

We had a hodge podge of nebs, some given to us by the doc and a few from the pharmacy. Katy nebs Albuterol, HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI. That is seven treatments a day. I was constantly cleaning/boiling.

I just got seven brand new Pari LC Plus nebs so that I can boil at night and start each day with all the nebs I need for the day. Also this will help me know that at six months ALL of them need to be replaced (I got this idea from someone on here).


New member
Based on what I've read from others here, I understand that the absolute best thing is to have a different neb for each medicine and to wash, then boil each neb between uses (the boiling part is in the Pari literature, for CF patients).

We had a hodge podge of nebs, some given to us by the doc and a few from the pharmacy. Katy nebs Albuterol, HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI. That is seven treatments a day. I was constantly cleaning/boiling.

I just got seven brand new Pari LC Plus nebs so that I can boil at night and start each day with all the nebs I need for the day. Also this will help me know that at six months ALL of them need to be replaced (I got this idea from someone on here).


New member
Based on what I've read from others here, I understand that the absolute best thing is to have a different neb for each medicine and to wash, then boil each neb between uses (the boiling part is in the Pari literature, for CF patients).

We had a hodge podge of nebs, some given to us by the doc and a few from the pharmacy. Katy nebs Albuterol, HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI. That is seven treatments a day. I was constantly cleaning/boiling.

I just got seven brand new Pari LC Plus nebs so that I can boil at night and start each day with all the nebs I need for the day. Also this will help me know that at six months ALL of them need to be replaced (I got this idea from someone on here).


New member
Based on what I've read from others here, I understand that the absolute best thing is to have a different neb for each medicine and to wash, then boil each neb between uses (the boiling part is in the Pari literature, for CF patients).

We had a hodge podge of nebs, some given to us by the doc and a few from the pharmacy. Katy nebs Albuterol, HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI. That is seven treatments a day. I was constantly cleaning/boiling.

I just got seven brand new Pari LC Plus nebs so that I can boil at night and start each day with all the nebs I need for the day. Also this will help me know that at six months ALL of them need to be replaced (I got this idea from someone on here).


New member
Confession - here is what I did that contributed to my decision to get a completely new set of nebs:

<img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t33/ktsmom64/meltednebs.jpg">

I was lucky I didn't burn the house down...


New member
Confession - here is what I did that contributed to my decision to get a completely new set of nebs:

<img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t33/ktsmom64/meltednebs.jpg">

I was lucky I didn't burn the house down...


New member
Confession - here is what I did that contributed to my decision to get a completely new set of nebs:

<img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t33/ktsmom64/meltednebs.jpg">

I was lucky I didn't burn the house down...


New member
Confession - here is what I did that contributed to my decision to get a completely new set of nebs:

<img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t33/ktsmom64/meltednebs.jpg">

I was lucky I didn't burn the house down...


New member
Confession - here is what I did that contributed to my decision to get a completely new set of nebs:

<img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t33/ktsmom64/meltednebs.jpg">

I was lucky I didn't burn the house down...


New member
Confession - here is what I did that contributed to my decision to get a completely new set of nebs:

<img src="http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t33/ktsmom64/meltednebs.jpg">

I was lucky I didn't burn the house down...


New member
Ha Ha ktsmom, I have done that several times already!

Okay, I will use two different nebs. I was only going by what the CF doc told us, that it was okay to use same neb for both treatments. I have a couple Pari nebs so that won't be a big deal.

By the way, steril water is ALL that my little man has had since birth. We use it for bottles and etc. I definetly would have used it for a quick rinse!

Thanks again guys!


New member
Ha Ha ktsmom, I have done that several times already!

Okay, I will use two different nebs. I was only going by what the CF doc told us, that it was okay to use same neb for both treatments. I have a couple Pari nebs so that won't be a big deal.

By the way, steril water is ALL that my little man has had since birth. We use it for bottles and etc. I definetly would have used it for a quick rinse!

Thanks again guys!


New member
Ha Ha ktsmom, I have done that several times already!

Okay, I will use two different nebs. I was only going by what the CF doc told us, that it was okay to use same neb for both treatments. I have a couple Pari nebs so that won't be a big deal.

By the way, steril water is ALL that my little man has had since birth. We use it for bottles and etc. I definetly would have used it for a quick rinse!

Thanks again guys!


New member
Ha Ha ktsmom, I have done that several times already!

Okay, I will use two different nebs. I was only going by what the CF doc told us, that it was okay to use same neb for both treatments. I have a couple Pari nebs so that won't be a big deal.

By the way, steril water is ALL that my little man has had since birth. We use it for bottles and etc. I definetly would have used it for a quick rinse!

Thanks again guys!


New member
Ha Ha ktsmom, I have done that several times already!

Okay, I will use two different nebs. I was only going by what the CF doc told us, that it was okay to use same neb for both treatments. I have a couple Pari nebs so that won't be a big deal.

By the way, steril water is ALL that my little man has had since birth. We use it for bottles and etc. I definetly would have used it for a quick rinse!

Thanks again guys!


New member
Ha Ha ktsmom, I have done that several times already!

Okay, I will use two different nebs. I was only going by what the CF doc told us, that it was okay to use same neb for both treatments. I have a couple Pari nebs so that won't be a big deal.

By the way, steril water is ALL that my little man has had since birth. We use it for bottles and etc. I definetly would have used it for a quick rinse!

Thanks again guys!