Well from what I've been reading that's not the only difference, the Minnesota apparently goes higher up than the non-Minnesota full vest, simpler explanation is that the HFCC region of it is in a more optimal location further up toward the collar than just below the chest, and also it doesnt go too low under the ribs to cause pain or injury to the unprotected organs that don't need the shaking, ie kidneys. This question came about from a reply that the person from the CF Trust here where I live (as some of you may recall me mentioning that's purchasing it for me) got from the agent she deals with. The reply was in an e-mail asking "which style vest would Mark want in the FULL, Minnestota or non-Minnesota" I believe was the exact wording. So, me not knowing a thing about them asked well...what's the difference. In the e-mail the agent stated that the Minnesota style is primarily used by Dr. Warwick and fits higher up than the non-Minnesota. So I was wondering if the agent just meant that one is more comfortable than the other or is there a difference in performance/effectiveness. And from what I've been reading and according to Amy's blog the Minnesota is more effective, theoretically, and according to patients who've used them. So with that info I told the CF Trust that I'd preffer the Minnesota style. I also gave her a link to Amy's blog so she can read up on it too as she too recently got a vest system for her daughter who has CF, and I also mentioned to her of Dr. Warwicks tecniques for making it more efficient.