My son is 3 years old and has a single r117h 7t gene. at 3-4 wks we did the sweat test and it came back normal around 14. At the time I never thought he was salty tasting. we actually didnt even know he was a carrier until a year and a half later when we continued to have loose stools and I came back to having to do the sweat test and requested the documents of his newborn screening. Suprise to me, I did not know that my state automatically tested for common mutations after a high IRT level. Fast forward and over the last 2 years he has seemed to taste saltier and saltier. So much so that if he sweats at all its like licking a potato chip and if he is playing outside during the summer he will develop dried salt on his neck and dust in his hair. he has had 2 episodes of croup and always has his colds longer than my 2 girls and his coughs from it are always super junky. We went to the zoo in 80 degree weather for about 5 hrs ( he didnt walk the whole time) he had plenty of water but was covered in salt at the end and when we got home he was super emotional, complained of his legs hurting and made me carrier him around for 30 mins (not like him at all) as well abd discomfort. I am worried that he may have a rarer mutation too and because of the r117h he wasnt "sick enough" at one month to have a positive test. the genetic screening seems to be around 3K which we cant do right now, do you think it sounds like he would test positive for the sweat test if we tried it again, and how can I get his doctor to order a repeat if he's never been super sick? I am a nurse and usually let the kids cold and such run their course so our doctors almost never see my kids.