Randy Snider Memorial Website


New member
Hello CF Community,
It's been a long time. I decided that the best way that I could give back to www.CysticFibrosis.com, Reaching Out and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation would be to create something that would raise awareness to all organizations.
I'm 49 with Cystic Fibrosis and my nephew, Randy passed away in 2005 from CF at 15. Randy has a memorial website that I created back in 2005 to honor him. Recently, I decided to redesign his site as a memorial/resource for CF and a way to honor him as well as to say thanks to all of you.Randy was a big fan of the video game, "Halo". So I decided to make him the hero of Halo while battling CF with the latest Kalydeco "weapons". The images are full of symbolism. Hopefully people will enjoy it. Randy would have been thrilled. Although it isn't much, it's my way saying thank you. I want no recognition for this. I just want to share Randy's life, inform people and...hopefully encourage eveyone to become aware and to participate and give to all organizations. Thank you for all you do, CysticFibrosis.com. - Randford<a href="http://www.randysnider.com/index.html" target="_blank">http://www.randysnider.com/</a>


New member
You did an amazing job with the site! I'm looking through it now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Jenn 40 wCF


New member
Great site & thanks for the shout out to this site. I'm sure Randy is very excited to have this place for his memory to live on.


New member
Many thanks for your kind words. I couldn't save Randy but if I can somehow engage more people to get involved, then maybe we all can save more lives. Please share it when you can. Thanks!


New member
Randy would love it. I'm planning more for him. There will be a YouTube channel with relevant videosthat will direct people to the foundation, cysticfibrosis.com and other organizations. Information is key and if it's packaged the right way, maybe more people will get involved. Imagine a world where we are all free of CF.


New member
I wish you and your son all the best. CF is a tough struggle sometimes but he has your love and support and you both have the love and support of the CF community.