Hmmm....these are very interesting! hehe. I will have to ask my doc I guess, not that I dont trust you guys! I am very thankful for all of your advice, but as we know CFers tend to be different! thought! haha. And I dont like to take anthing without consulting him, but now I have this info, and I can go to him and say it could be this or that. I am educating myself.
Imortalgoddezz...Thank you so much for the websit, I will check it out. I have checked out other sites and they mainly said potassium or calcium or too much time on your feet. I have never heard magnesium I will have to consult.
Spicyone...I dont believe I breathe that fast...I dont know though, I get out of breath easy, but I dont know if you would say that is the same thing...hmmm.
Diane...You had that as a sign of CFRD? I have never heard of that, I am not diabetic yet, but have had other various symptoms. I mentioned my symptoms to my doc and he just kinda brushed it off...Im curious, what other symptoms did you have of CFRD? I have been thirtsy, but not wicked thirsty...havent lost weight...been peeing a lot, but is that b/c of the drinking (?) drop in PFTs or anything like im confuzzled....if you couldnt tell.