really sick guys in hospital


New member
Im in hospital at wvu might be goin to upmc soon but my pft went down from 58 to 40 in a month and have a temp of 102.5 and really hurts to breathe they r treating me with normal antibiotics until they know what kind of infection I have on iv tobi and meipenum amd zyvox oral my o2 stats suck to on 3 liters of o2 still at 95 when off o2 dipps to 87% all I know right now I cant breathe amd im worried and had ct scan shows a big infection in my lungs hurts to coigh and breathe in badly they r thinking alot of stuff but not sure yet just keep me in mind I hope I can get back to somewhat normal thank you


Super Moderator
So sorry Cam! I'll be thinking of you! Sounds like they've got you on a pretty good cocktail of meds for now, unless some other infection turns up. Hopefully you turn around quickly. Keep us posted!



I've taken all of those meds as well over the years, and they hv helped me. my PFt's are in high 40's sometimes read 51 I hv only one functioning lung I use o2 at night 3 liters. You will bounce back, we usually do. I will pray for you as well. My problem was that I always waited a little to long to start the IV's thinking well I'll add a second oral. But I know better now, better to hit it fast like a fly swatter. Pls keep us posted.


New member
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying you begin to breathe easy and the medicine restores your health to better than before you got sick. God bless, and please keep us posted.


New member
They think it might be mac I dont know what that is really or how bad they said think cause cultures havnt come back yet and cause I have nodules in lungs that dont look right I really hope its not any info orhelp I woild appreciate is mac really bad and what damage will it do is it cureable thanl you


Super Moderator
Hey cam. I don't know much about Mac but from what I've read here it hits hard and the treatment is hard but the treatment can turn things around so there is a light at th end of the tunnel. I was actually thinking Mac when you posted wondering it they checked for it because I think it's tested differently. If you search for threads with Mac you might be able t find some good details. Continued prayers.


Any news? I grew mac in mid 90's I am not going to post anything more till you know for sure. I don't want you to panic a lot of us on here grow it sooner or later. Their is a special cocktail for it. Keep us posted, my prays are with you. Please keep a positive attitude abt this, I hope you can get out of the hospital and do yr meds at home. Many Hugs


New member
Still no word on mac yet they said they have to check sputum for awhile to test for it still having pain in chest on breathing in I have a pft today to see were im at still not feeling very good but hoping I will thank you for all the help ill get back on to tell ya how pfts are hopin the mac is negative so far all I know is I habe nodues in lungs that dont look right and have pnemona in lungs too thank you aagian goin to do pfts now


Active member
It takes several months for the lab to culture MAC. MAC is treatable but takes many months to turn it around. Wait for a dx before you get too excited.



New member
Had pft still really bad its 46 and base is 58 I hope I can get back havimg sweats like printer said it takes awhile to get mac results but im hopefull I just want to breathe agian and get back to were I was never had this big of a drop before got me worried thank u for all the help and messages


New member
Still in hospital got to walk little bit today felt good bit goin to b in here for awhile im feeling little better but im worried that it wont reflect on pft but thsnkful im feeling better just hope lungs r doin better


Super Moderator
So sorry you're going through this but glad to hear you're beginning to feel a bit better. Saying a prayer for you. Keep us updated.

Patti Rowland

I am sorry Cam. I will be thinking about you and praying for you. Try not to think the worst till you actually know what you are dealing with. Keep us posted >>>>HUGS<<<<


New member
Thank you for kind words and encouragment I have a pft this morning cant sleep I worried it hasnt improved Im hoping it has this one is goin to b a long road back thank you all agian


CAM good you got up today, my doctor was never really so strict with the numbers, she always said to me how are you feeling.. that came first and the improvements worked their way up. Knowing that you got up today and walked alittle is progress, walk a little further tomorrow. You hv to get yr strength back up. this is good news. My prayers are with you, as I stated before, I just feel confidence in you, Hugs Pat/60


New member
My lung function dropped from mid-40s to around 30 a couple years ago. It was a scary and difficult time in my life. I was already undergoing treatment for mycobacterium abscessus, which was ultimately the cause of my steep decline. My hospital stay ended up lasting 6 weeks, and it took me a couple months afterwards to get back to where I had been.

I understand how frustrating a sharp decline can be. When our lung functions drops gradually, we get used to it. When it falls all at once, it feels so hard to breathe.

I would encourage you to try to go out and walk as much as possible. It sounds like you were able to do that earlier this week, so hopefully that continues. When I had my long stay, I didn't want to get out of bed, but I did lose a lot in terms of strength and stamina. Also, try to do things that occupy your time: read, watch movies/TV, etc. and sleep as much as your body needs. I know it's hard not to worry, but try not to. For the first part of my stay, they weren't sure what was causing my health problems and that did make it more stressful.

Culturing the various myco bugs does take quite a bit of time, but they may be able to find the right drug cocktail in the meantime to get you feeling better. I hope things improve for you soon -- I'll be thinking of you. It's a difficult road, but one worth fighting. Good luck!


New member
Thank you for all the words of help and support im still in hospital and they told me I have pluracy not sure how to spell it causing me pain when I breath still doin the iv meds and hoping it gets better thank agian everyone hope to give good news soon