really sick guys in hospital


Super Moderator
I'm so glad your PFTs are still climbing and close to your baseline, cam. That's great. My suspicion is that it has been such a long haul for you and so difficult, you've flat out hurt yourself with all the coughing and the pleurisy, if nothing else. If so, it will take time for your muscles and the lining of your lungs to heal. Does an over the counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen help at all? Are you still coughing a lot? Have they offered any meds to try, even any pain meds? But you know I'm not a doc. If they're not telling you what to expect or how to fix this, I would really get a second opinion. Obviously you don't want things to stay this way. It's worth a consult, don't you think? I know you mentioned a second center, Cam. Can you get there? Or call them?
Praying for your continued healing, Cam.


New member
Im still coughing alot and having the pain on deep breath and coughing and blowing out hard they r looking to c if the scope would work but if its in small air way they wouldn't b able to get to it they gave me some pain meds but they not working Pittsburgh doctors are looking at it to c what to do im so tired of going to doctors and more test hope Pittsburgh will do something thank you for all the support and encouragment has anyone had mucus plugs before and what did u do for it any help would be much appreciated


Super Moderator
It sounds like they think it's probably a mucous plug too ..... if they are trying to see if they can get to it with a scope. Bless you. I really have no experience with trying to eliminate mucous plugs or quell the pain they cause. I wish I could be of more help. I assume youre already on pulmozyme? Hopefully someone will be able to chime in some more. But I am anxious to hear what Pittsburgh has to say too. Many prayers.......