recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.


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recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

hey i have recently turned 18 and i have just lost my couisin to cf earlier this year. my cousin had serveer cf and was diognosed with it at birth. she was in hospital at least twice a year and was constanly taking medicines. at 17 she died after being in hospital for a long time after her lungs collapsing. the whole family was very upset about the ordeal as she was very much loved by everyone. in fact at her funeral the chapel was sel up for 100 ish people and it endend up with over 300 turing up and they could hardly fir her in.he he.well im just looking for someone to talk to and see how they feel about the disease. thanks a lot. 18 yr old female xxxxx


New member
RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it. name is amanda and our stories are about the same you see i lost my best friend and then a few months later my favorite cusin she had cystic fibrosis.she died in april 2004 and the holidays have been heartbreaking for us all she was 20 years old and i loved her dearly. i miss her and i know i still catch myself wondering the same thing why this disease but then i think it could have been anything i am not the only person who has lost a loved one to a disease.i can tell you she was the most happiest cheerful person i had ever met.she never felt sorry for herself and never ever blamed god or had anger towards him for having this horrible disease. i look back and wonder if i could have been so brave. just remember your cusin is no longer hurting or in any pain your cusin has a spotless pair of lungs. in memory of sarah elizabeth duncan."i miss you" by the way if you ever listen to country think of me when you hear the song i think it is called "monday morning church" by allen jackson. i will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. god bless and keep your spirits high. `amanda from tennessee`<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

Hello U two young ladies seem like u to were very good friends and that is all the to ladies that left us every wanted out of life was just friends and just be normal I know because I am 22 year old male with Cf and all I want is to be normal and have good friends and I do. They dont care if I cough alot or if I have to go to the hospital every once and a while and that is all that matters to me and I am sure that is what the two girls want were good friends and it seems like they had two great one right here. They are both up stair breathing great with new lungs and all, looking down probably saying what great friends they have. Dustin
22 years old Male w/CF


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

hiya im danielle i heard your cousin died of c.f!! im really sorry 2 here that. i have c.f and my m8 died of it last year as wel as he had other problems as wel as c.f. do u find it hard 2 couple with out your cousin. do you think she couped well with c.f email bk love Danielle xx


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

hi dannielle, well my cousin was always very ill from the day she was born and sometimes it would just take over and she would be so limp and pale but a lot of the time she was happy and bubbly and really enjoyed life even though she spent a lot of time in hospital. thanks amy xxx


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

HI, I lost my daughter in 2003. she was only ten. she was sick from day one.I have 3 other children and
my son has cf also. he took the death of his sister the hardest. but we have come up with some ways of remembering her. on holidays when the whole fam is there we light candles and eat her fav foods. she always had to have her room decorated for holidays or just because so we go to cemetary and decorate out there for her. and even when we remember a special time we had with her we write it down in a special book.


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

Im really sorry aout what happened Im a patient with CF to and i would like to live until Im around my70s<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Text<hr></blockquote>


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

Im a patient with CF to and I get really tired of having to to breathing treatments and a hand full of medications every meal or snack. Im only 14 years old and I hope I live as long as 70yrs. Sometimes Its really hard to remember to take all of the medications. Im being really responsible but by the time I get home from school Im reall tired out. When I was a baby i had to stay in the hospital for a very very long time because of My Cysticfibrosis. My name i s Kimberly


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RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>hey i have recently turned 18 and i have just lost my couisin to cf earlier this year. my cousin had serveer cf and was diognosed with it at birth. she was in hospital at least twice a year and was constanly taking medicines. at 17 she died after being in hospital for a long time after her lungs collapsing. the whole family was very upset about the ordeal as she was very much loved by everyone. in fact at her funeral the chapel was sel up for 100 ish people and it endend up with over 300 turing up and they could hardly fir her in.he he.well im just looking for someone to talk to and see how they feel about the disease. thanks a lot. 18 yr old female xxxxx<hr></blockquote>

Hi Im a patient with CF would you like to talk my name is kimberly and Im 14 yrs old


New member
RE:recently i have lost someone with cf. and i would like to talk to people her age about it.

Hi my name is Brian, I am a 16 old male with cf. I have never met anybody with cf. Last year i had a chance to go meet with someone but the day we were supposed to meet she got sick, eventually it got worse over a couple of days and she ended up passing away. I would very much like to talk to someone that has cf and is my age. So if you are interested reply or e-mail me at