recovery after transplants


New member
I know I am not posttransplant but I take 30 mgs of steroids base dose every day. I was wondering where you guys got your information on what not to do on steroids.. like dying hair and stuff.. I am moody when my steroid dose is changed or if I don't have enough in me.. My dad and step mom have come to ignore me and let me snap at them.. because if they every said anything to me I would fall apart.... and they know I don't mean it...

Anyway, let me know where I can get more information,




New member

Of course everyone is different, but the hair, sleep thing is pretty common.

The sleep thing is that we have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep. Steriod induced? Immune suppression induced? Surgery induced? Many possible reasons. But it seems over time, it goes away. Some need the help of medicine, others need to do exercises before bed, or relaxation tapes etc.

The hair thing. For me, the color changed slightly darker. I also had very straight hair pre tx,now there is a wave to it.

Does it go back to "normal". Varies I guess. I don't mind the change. Also with the meds, there can be a loss of hair or growth in hair... and we are not talking just your head.

Those on Cyclosporine notice a growth in hair, all over their body... Do you turn into an ape? No, but women find they are needing to shave more places and looking for hair removal systems. I was on Neoral for a month after transplant and had hair on my back and arms. Not real heavy, but enough for me to notice. I then was switched to Prograf for neurologically reasons and the hair went away.

Those on Prograf may see hair loss, on the head. This seems to be a temporary thing.

Skin drying out... I don't have it. Not sure how common that is.

But what I do want to also include here is that I am glad I do not look like I did pre tx... I found some photos of myself pre tx... I was about 100 pounds on 5'5 frame. I looked so sick. After tx, I started to gain weight and all my clothes I had bought pre tx, no longer fit. It made me upset at first, but as my coordinator said, " consider those old clothes your 'sick' clothes, now you have healthy clothes".

Glad you asked your questions.
Joanne Schum


New member
youre not suppose to dye your hair while on steroids??? thats news to me. i always dyed my hair when i was on steroids. i dont see any problem with it. perhaps people mean bleaching/foils/streaks seeing as thats damaging to hair at the best of times?


New member
I still dye my hair. I don't think I dyed it for about six months post transplant just to be safe. But I could not imagine not dying my hair. I love my blonde streaks.

Double lung tx 11.11.04


New member
Technically they say not to do any chemical treatments (perms, coloring etc) to your hair while on heavy antiobiotics, steroids or many other meds. I think much of it depends on your hair & your body. If I am on antibiotics & I get a perm it takes FANTASTIC (better than other times), but doesnt hold as long. Things vary, but the biggest concern is damage to the hair......


You're not supposed to dye your hair [according to my transplant journal given to me by my tx clinic] while on 20 mgs + of steriods.
Just what Melissa said..
I dyed my hair about 6 months afterwards... found it to be really brittle.. hair breaking off more so than usual.
I've dyed it a few times since but still, you have to be careful about damaging it.