Marijuana is wonderful for CF, as long as smoking is avoided for obvious reasons. Eating cannabis doesn't have the same effects as when it's inhaled for me, and it tends to just make me want to sleep without any of the normal benefits. Vaporizing is best, but it's not perfect. A fair amount of vegetation is disintegrated and inhaled, but far less than smoking. Vaporizers don't have the bronchodilating effects of smoking, and instead causes temporary asthma esq lung constriction. Which is temporary, but if used chronically it'll make your lungs get used to breathing shallowly, and any sort of heavy breathing (exercise, stairs, etc) can cause the lungs to be forced open and tear, with a small but noticeable bit of blood in your next mucus excretion. Psychedelics are the way to go. They've helped me loads with rationalizing, understanding, and re-organizing my health and general long term goals. Although there are no inherent benefits of any substance, they are really only amplifiers of what you already intend to do, and temporary modifiers of the way you already think and feel. For the most part, CF and hallucinogens (LSD, Psilocybin, 2C, Mescaline, etc) get along well. If you're already unhealthy or in need of a routine hospital IV session, drugs can make you hyper aware of the trash in your chest, or of the rarely noticed feeling of your lungs craving (but not being able to) take in more oxygen. Chemicals can also mess with your stomach, making you feel like you need to go to the bathroom more than you really do; or in the case of Coke and MDMA, temporary wreck your desire for food. Alcohol interrupts your natural need to cough, so if you're not paying attention, you can go for hours without choking anything up, until you eventually walk around and are seized by a 2 minute choking spell to force all the backed up stuff out. Alcohol also has a lot of sugar, so take care if you have diabetes. MDMA, Ayahuasca, and DXM will make your cough feel like a tickle from God. Which might not seem very beneficial outside of the trip itself, but the memory of enjoying coughing up a storm is a precious, almost humbling experience to get you past your sickest, soberest days. DXM is legally a cough suppressant, so I don't recommend ever going past third plateau. Ketamine should be avoided for that same reason, and Opium/Heroin/Hydros can also cause respiratory depression in high doses. DMT and Ayhahuasca shouldn't be taken lightly imo, and definitely not something I'd suggesting doing before trying most of the other substances out there. Smoked/vaporized DMT's effect of stretching your perception of time to the point of irrelevance shows you what it feels like to no longer be breathing at all, and is in my opinion, an invaluable tool for anyone with anxieties about death. And of course, always keep hydrated. Start with low doses until your relationship with each substance is formed and you have an idea of what you can handle. Most drugs cause elevated heart rate to some degree and hypertension is a possibility for anyone with heart problems, so caution should be used as health naturally declines and the heart is working harder to keep moving oxygen. There is also a lowering of immunity when your body is working on processing chemicals, daily use of anything is an awful idea as your body will regenerate and heal slower. Generally, the healthier you are the more you will enjoy the experience and minimize drawbacks, but less healthy or overdosed 'bad' trips have been just as valuable and eye opening towards aspects of my own personality and well-being as any of the best experiences. Keep an open mind, use in moderation, and keep healthy. Best of luck to any fellow CF Psychonauts out there!
Of course, this is all in rhetoric, and no one should ever use drugs for any reason ever because they are Godless substances with no Government or FDA approved medical uses.<img title="Sealed" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-sealed.gif" alt="Sealed" border="0" />
Edit note: PS. Lung transplant clinics will rarely think twice about considering someone with a history of drug abuse, and they consider marijuana a drug, medically 'prescribed' or not. Anyone who chooses to dabble in chemicals wether it be for medical, therapeutic, or recreational reasons should be aware that you need to be at least 6months to a year clean before attempting to talk to a clinic about getting on a transplant list, and any negative drug tests thereafter will permanently disqualify you from ever recieving a new organ. It may sound obvious, but I didn't know when I first recieved my MMJ card, and it bit me in the ass when I started talks a couple years later for list requirements.