Hey Aimee,
A few thoughts. First, I'm sure this is quiet a shock thinking it could be CF. I'm assuming when you say "CFTR test," you mean a sweat test? Please make sure they do this only at an accredited CF location. (CFF.org lists the accredited locations.) A sweat test anywhere else doesn't mean much.
It may well be that they are just testing to "rule it out," but that is actually good because there are many here diagnosised later in life where doctors didn't even think to test and folks go years untreated. So relatedly, yes, it is rarer for a later in life diagnosis, but it is something that happens and as I said many here have had it. And it is actually becoming more common now that doctors are learning more about the CF mutations. I'm not sure what the autoimmune issues are, but if it is elevated white blood counts it could be possible that it is a reaction to bacteria you are harboring from CF, if that is the case. Now, if it turns out to be CF, a couple things: 1) What you have likely read of CF is probably not to accurate. Things have progressed and changed much. 2) If it is positive for CF, remember you've always had it and while it will be a hard diagnosis to hear, it means you will now get proper treatment and do much better; 3) a late diagnosis usually means you have less severe mutations and there is a medicine that helps partially fix many of these mutations and those on that drug do really well. So it is important that if you have a positive or a borderline test to have a full gene sequencing to determine what CF mutations you have. Also, you might want to have some salt water before the test as that helps with the gathering of the sweat for the test. Good luck! PS This probably sounds like a bunch of goggled-gook, so please ask away for clarification on any jargon!