Hi Jenn. Reflux is very comon with people with CF, and I was told it could cause a cough because the acid irritates the throat. Acid could also get into the lungs and cause real problems (like Debbie was saying) and that would cause coughing. I know most doctors don't even want kids under age 2 getting chest PT <u>w/ postural drainage</u> becasue they are so prone to reflux.
Vinny's doctor thoguht he might have reflux probs when he had this very dry, repetitive cough this summer. He didn't sound junky and his lungs sounded great, and he had no other symptoms, just this coughing. So I think reflux could cause coughing. With Vinny it actually turned out to be allergies causing post nasal drip, which was causing him to cough and sometimes he'd really get coughing and gag, then throw up. Allergy meds fixed him right up.
I'd say talk to the doctor about it, tell them you're not 100% sure he needs the surgery. Ask them if there's anything else they could try (like allergy meds or stronger reflux meds?) first before resorting to surgery. Have them really explain how reflux is causing Weston's problems and how this surgery will fix that, if it will. Sometimes I get embarrassed to ask Vincent's docotrs about certain things, I feel like I call over every little cough, or like if I second guess them they won't like me. But it's not true, they'll respect you for being so thorough, and they know you're just trying to do the best thing for your son. So they'll either agree to try something else, or they'll really stress how sure they are it's reflux causing the problem. And just having that discussion w/ them should ease your mind.
I hope Weston doesn't need the surgery, and they figure out what's causing his cough. Just have a good talk w/ the doctors, tell them all your concerns and questions. Then you'll know exactly where they're coming from. I hope that all ma sense, I'm super tired. I wish I could be more help!