

New member

Im 20 years old and currently in the hospital because my longfunction plus weight declined over a period of 6 months by 30-40% Fev1 and about 8 kilos.

Im faced with a rather tough dicision.
Basically, after I leave this hospital, my doctor wants me to go to a Rehabilitation center.
Where they will help me cope with cf, give me techniques on how to cope and live with it better, easier.
Also help me fill my days and go about my days better, and keep me from doing nothing. Since im not going to school and have no job and can basically do what i want all day.

Also they wanna sport with me three times a week, build up my fitness slowely.

This programm will take 9 weeks and I can only go home in the weekends.
Its crazy.

My feeling tells me something is wrong with this.
Heres what I dont like about this idea.

I have my own plans of going to sport again after leaving this hospital. And im excited to start my own training programm.
I dont quite trust their programm.
I think three times a week training isnt enough.
And i wanna progress faster and I also love the gym.

Second thing is the enviroment over there.
Being there in that clinic isnt gonna make me happy or feel good.
Its like being in a hospital. Its horrible.
Thinking about being there 9 weeks only in weekends at home, i would get crazy there.

Now the pros that of this idea I think is
im probably gonna learn something there, something that could help me in the long run. some way to deal with my disease better and live more productive and have it hold me back less.

Also it could help filling the void now that I dont have school of a job to go to.
It could help me progress in creating my business but also doing things everyday and keep me from falling in the traps of just doing nothing just because I can.

What you think?

What would you do?

I really dont know wether to decline the offer because its not worth it and nog gonna help me enough.

Or to accept it for some of the benefits.

Benefits are more in long term, in the short term it just sucks.
Should I do it just for the long run? And go through the short term shit?

I just try to get more opinions about this before I decide!



I think you shd definitely consider it, you mentioned it filling the void of not workg or going to school. I think they wld get you on a regiment of yr treatments, which when I was in my 20's I skipped a lot when I was yr. age. A good diet of foods you may be skipping? I am thinking in my mind something like a boot camp? There was nothing like this around when I was yr age. I am a 60 yr. old woman I know I shd not admit that, because you may get the feeling oh she is acting like a mother... No really I am not. My condition is at its worse right now pfts only in the high 40's and only one functioning lung the right collapsed years ago. But to look at me you would not even guess I am sick. I always hv a positive attitude. Do you hv the option to leave if you wanted? say after 2-3 weeks if you felt ok I can do this all at home? This may be a real benefit to you. Give it some thought. Pat/60-CF


New member
I think you would do better health wise in a professional care setting than what you would do on your own. Even the most dedicated exercisers like to use coaches and friends to stay motivated especially during the start of a new program. 3 times a week is a pretty ambitious start for a new sport, especially if you aren’t currently exercising. When I was running, the newest research was showing 3 real good workouts a week with rest between might be better than 6 workouts a week traditional to the sport. (Check out the book, “Run Less, Run Faster” for more information on that).

For staying mentally sharp you could find a 9 week project that could be done while doing rehab. Maybe find an online program to teach yourself how to computer program or learn computer graphics or play the guitar. Read all the books you haven't got to, catch up on a few shows, and play a video game or two. Social life might be tough you do get weekends you can visit family and friends. Could people come visit you one or twice in the middle of the week to help you stay connected?

That being said I'd have a hard time being cooped up for 9 weeks. But for your longer term health the short term sacrifice seems worth it.


Super Moderator
Putting up with the program for the short term defintely sounds worth it for the long term benefits. It seems like you really have nothing to lose by doing rehab and everything to gain. I agree with what Ethan said and If I were you I would do it.