Rejected by CF


New member
I never told anyone I had CF when I was younger, so I never had that problem. Why you ask? I never had to. Never coughed, wasn't super thin, I could do all kinds of activities, and I knew what would happen if I did. Rumors would swirl and people probably would ignore me, push me away, or just wouldn't want much to do with me. I honestly don't know how it would be though, because I associated myself with people who were just like me.

All my girlfriends in high school knew, which I had to tell them, I mean we were together for several months. It never affected our relationship, because I wasn't bad then, and you still couldn't tell.

Now though since I'm nearly 13 years out of high school, I don't mind telling people. I guess it just depends who you associate yourself with.

Sorry to hear about your problem Iamqueenofeverything.

Good grief what a horrible experience marchcutie. Don't worry, when they become adults, they'll look back and will feel bad for teasing and ignoring you.


New member
I never told anyone I had CF when I was younger, so I never had that problem. Why you ask? I never had to. Never coughed, wasn't super thin, I could do all kinds of activities, and I knew what would happen if I did. Rumors would swirl and people probably would ignore me, push me away, or just wouldn't want much to do with me. I honestly don't know how it would be though, because I associated myself with people who were just like me.

All my girlfriends in high school knew, which I had to tell them, I mean we were together for several months. It never affected our relationship, because I wasn't bad then, and you still couldn't tell.

Now though since I'm nearly 13 years out of high school, I don't mind telling people. I guess it just depends who you associate yourself with.

Sorry to hear about your problem Iamqueenofeverything.

Good grief what a horrible experience marchcutie. Don't worry, when they become adults, they'll look back and will feel bad for teasing and ignoring you.


New member
I never told anyone I had CF when I was younger, so I never had that problem. Why you ask? I never had to. Never coughed, wasn't super thin, I could do all kinds of activities, and I knew what would happen if I did. Rumors would swirl and people probably would ignore me, push me away, or just wouldn't want much to do with me. I honestly don't know how it would be though, because I associated myself with people who were just like me.

All my girlfriends in high school knew, which I had to tell them, I mean we were together for several months. It never affected our relationship, because I wasn't bad then, and you still couldn't tell.

Now though since I'm nearly 13 years out of high school, I don't mind telling people. I guess it just depends who you associate yourself with.

Sorry to hear about your problem Iamqueenofeverything.

Good grief what a horrible experience marchcutie. Don't worry, when they become adults, they'll look back and will feel bad for teasing and ignoring you.


New member
I never told anyone I had CF when I was younger, so I never had that problem. Why you ask? I never had to. Never coughed, wasn't super thin, I could do all kinds of activities, and I knew what would happen if I did. Rumors would swirl and people probably would ignore me, push me away, or just wouldn't want much to do with me. I honestly don't know how it would be though, because I associated myself with people who were just like me.

All my girlfriends in high school knew, which I had to tell them, I mean we were together for several months. It never affected our relationship, because I wasn't bad then, and you still couldn't tell.

Now though since I'm nearly 13 years out of high school, I don't mind telling people. I guess it just depends who you associate yourself with.

Sorry to hear about your problem Iamqueenofeverything.

Good grief what a horrible experience marchcutie. Don't worry, when they become adults, they'll look back and will feel bad for teasing and ignoring you.


New member
I never told anyone I had CF when I was younger, so I never had that problem. Why you ask? I never had to. Never coughed, wasn't super thin, I could do all kinds of activities, and I knew what would happen if I did. Rumors would swirl and people probably would ignore me, push me away, or just wouldn't want much to do with me. I honestly don't know how it would be though, because I associated myself with people who were just like me.
<br />
<br />All my girlfriends in high school knew, which I had to tell them, I mean we were together for several months. It never affected our relationship, because I wasn't bad then, and you still couldn't tell.
<br />
<br />Now though since I'm nearly 13 years out of high school, I don't mind telling people. I guess it just depends who you associate yourself with.
<br />
<br />Sorry to hear about your problem Iamqueenofeverything.
<br />
<br />Good grief what a horrible experience marchcutie. Don't worry, when they become adults, they'll look back and will feel bad for teasing and ignoring you.


New member
Yes, I have been hurt or rejected because of my CF. However, my experiences were not in HS, b/c I didn't know I had CF in high school.

Most recently (I guess 2 years ago) I was dating this guy who was great. He knew I had CF and what not. Then he got in a terrible motorcycle accident and was in ICU for a couple months. I came to visit in the hospital, at his parents' house when he was released, etc. Once he was able to get out of the house on crutches, I was driving us home from dinner when he comes out with...

"I really like you, you're an amazing girl and everything I've ever wanted...but I don't want to have a relationship w/ someone who has CF; I can't handle it...can we be friends with benefits?"

UM...NO! Needless to say, that ended whatever relationship we had. I was crushed for a long time...not over losing the jerk, but from being concerned that no other guy would want to deal with my CF in the future.

However, my current bf is SO supportive, helps me sterilize my nebs, gets meds for me, etc. He's thing that's happened to me. Long story short...young or old, there will always be stupid people who won't accept you. You've just got to find the friends who will and keep them close; they've kept me going. Sorry for such a long post!!


New member
Yes, I have been hurt or rejected because of my CF. However, my experiences were not in HS, b/c I didn't know I had CF in high school.

Most recently (I guess 2 years ago) I was dating this guy who was great. He knew I had CF and what not. Then he got in a terrible motorcycle accident and was in ICU for a couple months. I came to visit in the hospital, at his parents' house when he was released, etc. Once he was able to get out of the house on crutches, I was driving us home from dinner when he comes out with...

"I really like you, you're an amazing girl and everything I've ever wanted...but I don't want to have a relationship w/ someone who has CF; I can't handle it...can we be friends with benefits?"

UM...NO! Needless to say, that ended whatever relationship we had. I was crushed for a long time...not over losing the jerk, but from being concerned that no other guy would want to deal with my CF in the future.

However, my current bf is SO supportive, helps me sterilize my nebs, gets meds for me, etc. He's thing that's happened to me. Long story short...young or old, there will always be stupid people who won't accept you. You've just got to find the friends who will and keep them close; they've kept me going. Sorry for such a long post!!


New member
Yes, I have been hurt or rejected because of my CF. However, my experiences were not in HS, b/c I didn't know I had CF in high school.

Most recently (I guess 2 years ago) I was dating this guy who was great. He knew I had CF and what not. Then he got in a terrible motorcycle accident and was in ICU for a couple months. I came to visit in the hospital, at his parents' house when he was released, etc. Once he was able to get out of the house on crutches, I was driving us home from dinner when he comes out with...

"I really like you, you're an amazing girl and everything I've ever wanted...but I don't want to have a relationship w/ someone who has CF; I can't handle it...can we be friends with benefits?"

UM...NO! Needless to say, that ended whatever relationship we had. I was crushed for a long time...not over losing the jerk, but from being concerned that no other guy would want to deal with my CF in the future.

However, my current bf is SO supportive, helps me sterilize my nebs, gets meds for me, etc. He's thing that's happened to me. Long story short...young or old, there will always be stupid people who won't accept you. You've just got to find the friends who will and keep them close; they've kept me going. Sorry for such a long post!!


New member
Yes, I have been hurt or rejected because of my CF. However, my experiences were not in HS, b/c I didn't know I had CF in high school.

Most recently (I guess 2 years ago) I was dating this guy who was great. He knew I had CF and what not. Then he got in a terrible motorcycle accident and was in ICU for a couple months. I came to visit in the hospital, at his parents' house when he was released, etc. Once he was able to get out of the house on crutches, I was driving us home from dinner when he comes out with...

"I really like you, you're an amazing girl and everything I've ever wanted...but I don't want to have a relationship w/ someone who has CF; I can't handle it...can we be friends with benefits?"

UM...NO! Needless to say, that ended whatever relationship we had. I was crushed for a long time...not over losing the jerk, but from being concerned that no other guy would want to deal with my CF in the future.

However, my current bf is SO supportive, helps me sterilize my nebs, gets meds for me, etc. He's thing that's happened to me. Long story short...young or old, there will always be stupid people who won't accept you. You've just got to find the friends who will and keep them close; they've kept me going. Sorry for such a long post!!


New member
Yes, I have been hurt or rejected because of my CF. However, my experiences were not in HS, b/c I didn't know I had CF in high school.
<br />
<br />Most recently (I guess 2 years ago) I was dating this guy who was great. He knew I had CF and what not. Then he got in a terrible motorcycle accident and was in ICU for a couple months. I came to visit in the hospital, at his parents' house when he was released, etc. Once he was able to get out of the house on crutches, I was driving us home from dinner when he comes out with...
<br />
<br />"I really like you, you're an amazing girl and everything I've ever wanted...but I don't want to have a relationship w/ someone who has CF; I can't handle it...can we be friends with benefits?"
<br />
<br />UM...NO! Needless to say, that ended whatever relationship we had. I was crushed for a long time...not over losing the jerk, but from being concerned that no other guy would want to deal with my CF in the future.
<br />
<br />However, my current bf is SO supportive, helps me sterilize my nebs, gets meds for me, etc. He's thing that's happened to me. Long story short...young or old, there will always be stupid people who won't accept you. You've just got to find the friends who will and keep them close; they've kept me going. Sorry for such a long post!!


New member
Debra, he wanted you to suply Blue Cross?...LOL, just kidding

Iamqueenofeverything sorry to hear you had to put up with such ignorance. People are real idiots at times and I'm sure most of us have felt it at one point or another.

Being 40 I have had many people move in and out of my life some because of my CF, but I refused to let it stop me. The fact that I can't father children was a factor in past relationships. I say feel the loss and move on to bigger and better things. Let losers be losers, you want to be surounded by winners anyway.


New member
Debra, he wanted you to suply Blue Cross?...LOL, just kidding

Iamqueenofeverything sorry to hear you had to put up with such ignorance. People are real idiots at times and I'm sure most of us have felt it at one point or another.

Being 40 I have had many people move in and out of my life some because of my CF, but I refused to let it stop me. The fact that I can't father children was a factor in past relationships. I say feel the loss and move on to bigger and better things. Let losers be losers, you want to be surounded by winners anyway.


New member
Debra, he wanted you to suply Blue Cross?...LOL, just kidding

Iamqueenofeverything sorry to hear you had to put up with such ignorance. People are real idiots at times and I'm sure most of us have felt it at one point or another.

Being 40 I have had many people move in and out of my life some because of my CF, but I refused to let it stop me. The fact that I can't father children was a factor in past relationships. I say feel the loss and move on to bigger and better things. Let losers be losers, you want to be surounded by winners anyway.


New member
Debra, he wanted you to suply Blue Cross?...LOL, just kidding

Iamqueenofeverything sorry to hear you had to put up with such ignorance. People are real idiots at times and I'm sure most of us have felt it at one point or another.

Being 40 I have had many people move in and out of my life some because of my CF, but I refused to let it stop me. The fact that I can't father children was a factor in past relationships. I say feel the loss and move on to bigger and better things. Let losers be losers, you want to be surounded by winners anyway.


New member
Debra, he wanted you to suply Blue Cross?...LOL, just kidding
<br />
<br />Iamqueenofeverything sorry to hear you had to put up with such ignorance. People are real idiots at times and I'm sure most of us have felt it at one point or another.
<br />
<br />Being 40 I have had many people move in and out of my life some because of my CF, but I refused to let it stop me. The fact that I can't father children was a factor in past relationships. I say feel the loss and move on to bigger and better things. Let losers be losers, you want to be surounded by winners anyway.


New member
My wife told me stories of when she had to deal with same types of rejection from unsignificant others. But Let me just tell you and any other CFer out there, that if they cant take you for who you are then you're too good for them not the other way around. I'm proud to say I love my wife through the good and the bad and believe me we are going thru the bad as of right now. With a lung function at 15% and the threat of being on a vent, I love her even more than the day I met her. And I still even find her beautiful with her BiPAP mask on right now. So be patient there's someone out there to either be your best friend or lover, I found mine.


New member
My wife told me stories of when she had to deal with same types of rejection from unsignificant others. But Let me just tell you and any other CFer out there, that if they cant take you for who you are then you're too good for them not the other way around. I'm proud to say I love my wife through the good and the bad and believe me we are going thru the bad as of right now. With a lung function at 15% and the threat of being on a vent, I love her even more than the day I met her. And I still even find her beautiful with her BiPAP mask on right now. So be patient there's someone out there to either be your best friend or lover, I found mine.


New member
My wife told me stories of when she had to deal with same types of rejection from unsignificant others. But Let me just tell you and any other CFer out there, that if they cant take you for who you are then you're too good for them not the other way around. I'm proud to say I love my wife through the good and the bad and believe me we are going thru the bad as of right now. With a lung function at 15% and the threat of being on a vent, I love her even more than the day I met her. And I still even find her beautiful with her BiPAP mask on right now. So be patient there's someone out there to either be your best friend or lover, I found mine.


New member
My wife told me stories of when she had to deal with same types of rejection from unsignificant others. But Let me just tell you and any other CFer out there, that if they cant take you for who you are then you're too good for them not the other way around. I'm proud to say I love my wife through the good and the bad and believe me we are going thru the bad as of right now. With a lung function at 15% and the threat of being on a vent, I love her even more than the day I met her. And I still even find her beautiful with her BiPAP mask on right now. So be patient there's someone out there to either be your best friend or lover, I found mine.


New member
My wife told me stories of when she had to deal with same types of rejection from unsignificant others. But Let me just tell you and any other CFer out there, that if they cant take you for who you are then you're too good for them not the other way around. I'm proud to say I love my wife through the good and the bad and believe me we are going thru the bad as of right now. With a lung function at 15% and the threat of being on a vent, I love her even more than the day I met her. And I still even find her beautiful with her BiPAP mask on right now. So be patient there's someone out there to either be your best friend or lover, I found mine.