

New member
I have been with my Girlfriend for over 3 years now....and been Engaged for almost a year. I feel that i am very lucky to have some in my life that loves me for who i am what i have. she deals with my CF just like i do by taking it one day at a time. This past June my best friend died at age 21 due to a Degentative heart failure. I took that VERY HARD!! i always thaught he would be the one putting me in the ground due to my CF...not the other way around. But that just goes to show you we really dont know when our time is we all die some day. to be honest i forget that i even have CF and so does she. We just live life and have fun and not even think or worry about it.


New member
I am also very lucky. I am 29 now and am getting married this weekend. We have been together for almost 8 years. We had only been together 1 maybe 2 months when I found out that I had CF.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
golly gosh everyones getting married! congrats! im technically engaged too but weve been engaged so long that ive started a protest and just call him my partner now. some men just arent good at setting dates for things like that!


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My CF was never a secret. In fact, the night my husband and I went on our first date, I started passing a kidney stone. Our second date was in the hospital. He's been great. When we were engaged, he stayed at the hospital with me to get a feel for what it is really like. He helps when I have home IV's by taking the nighttime shift. He's always taken that stuff in stride - or seemed to. He's gone with me to appointments and seen a bronchoscopy. We don't talk much about the future of my CF. I'm really healthy right now, though I wasn't when we got married and I've had a few scares. He doesn't want to talk or think about the what if's. Sometimes that is hard for me because I want to think about plans and scenarios. I'm not morbid and I don't obsess, but we have a daughter and sometimes I want to wonder out loud to him.
25 yr old w/ CF, married, mother of 2 yr old w/o CF


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I have been with my boyfriend 3 years next month. He is so good to me and helps take care of me when im sick. He dosen't treat me any different because im sick either. His family is very good to me to. Im really close to his mom and grandma. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">He is the best boyfriend anybody could ask for.


New member
I have been married to my husband with CF for 2 years and we were together for 6 years before that (and I'm only 24!). Some days I find it hard to cope, but most of the time, I think I am the luckiest girl alive! We are just about to start trying for a family through IVF, so that will bring its own challenges, but I guess we have to take one day at a time and live our lives to the max.

although everything is great now, my parents had a big problem with me being with someone for a CF, for a long time.


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Most recent anonymous....You mentioned IVF. My girlfriend and I have been very interested in this method. Would it be ok if I asked you some questions about what you know?

If its ok please email me:



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i dont tell the guys i date about my illness i am scared how they will react plus i am scared that if i got to ill i would be dumped<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Very true. My cousin is married to a guy with CF...yesterday he fell very ill and has been for about 3 out of the 4 years of their marriage. She has been by his side through everything and is by his side right now. That's the kind of person you would want to date. Not someone who you are afraid will treat you different or leave you just because of who you are.


New member
hi, i'm 25 as is my fiance. he has cf and i knew that rom the first date. it has never been a problem for me or him. we're together 2 and hlaf years now and are getting married in march06......just can't wait. someone mentioned trying for children. we are in the middle of doing this. it's done by a process called icse...intra cellular sperm extraction, obviously that's the mans part!!!!!!!! after the sperm is out then it's the exact same as ivf after that. fingers crossed that ti works. we would just love a family but we've talked about it for hours and if it works it works and if it doesn't, well thats the way it is. i always say that i want babies but i want them to be one elses. so thats all i wanted to say. love does conquer all.


New member
Hi my boyfriend has CF as well and with the last person that wrote about having babies can any CF male go through this procedure??? We are not planning on a family yet but maybe down the track could be a possibilty my boyfriend was told when he was about 15 that he couldn't have kids and to this day he still believes that it is not possible. Also what is the chance of the child getting CF as well????