Remedy for sore stomach muscles from coughing


Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any remedies for sore stomach muscles from coughing? Just wait it out? It feels like I have done several crunches, however, I've just been coughing.

Thank you!


Super Moderator
I'm sorry you are not feeling well. My daughter gets this sometimes too!.. I have a couple rice packs. One of them is heavy(like a cough pillow) and I heat it up it the microwave for her. It's comforting and she can hug it if she coughs so she doesn't pull already sore muscles. Are you able to take some ibuprofen? Are you being treated for the cough?

Another idea is to soak in a warm bath with epsom salts.


Super Moderator
Electric blanket or heating pad but don't use those if you're wearing oxygen obviously. Tylenol-Acetaminophen may help some if you are unable to take NSAIDS.



Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your replies! Luckily, yes I am able to take ibuprofen. I'll get some heat packs too! Thanks again!