repeating the sweat test.


New member
I am so sorry things are not turning around. I will send you as much prayer and positive energy as I can to your little angel right now. Ask the angels to surround and strengthen his little body and to give you any answers you may need.

Much love and strength to you during this time. Our hearts are with you.


New member
I am so sorry things are not turning around. I will send you as much prayer and positive energy as I can to your little angel right now. Ask the angels to surround and strengthen his little body and to give you any answers you may need.

Much love and strength to you during this time. Our hearts are with you.


New member
Not sure what his nutrition staus is in the way of albumin (protein levels) I believe the normal level is 3-5. Ben's was 1 (he was actuallly starting to swell and his liver was swollen from all of this malnourshment) when he was finally hospitalized the second time at Rainbows Babies and Children here in Cleveland. To quickly get the levels up, they gave straight albumin via an IV (he also needed lasix to get the swelling down). We feel this did the most to turn things around quickly. It helped move the fluid out of his body and allow things to return to a more normal function in other organs.

If you want me to put them in contact with the Dr. there I would be happy to do so! Just say the word. Don't know if this relates to your son's situation but felt I should mention it.


New member
Not sure what his nutrition staus is in the way of albumin (protein levels) I believe the normal level is 3-5. Ben's was 1 (he was actuallly starting to swell and his liver was swollen from all of this malnourshment) when he was finally hospitalized the second time at Rainbows Babies and Children here in Cleveland. To quickly get the levels up, they gave straight albumin via an IV (he also needed lasix to get the swelling down). We feel this did the most to turn things around quickly. It helped move the fluid out of his body and allow things to return to a more normal function in other organs.

If you want me to put them in contact with the Dr. there I would be happy to do so! Just say the word. Don't know if this relates to your son's situation but felt I should mention it.


New member
Not sure what his nutrition staus is in the way of albumin (protein levels) I believe the normal level is 3-5. Ben's was 1 (he was actuallly starting to swell and his liver was swollen from all of this malnourshment) when he was finally hospitalized the second time at Rainbows Babies and Children here in Cleveland. To quickly get the levels up, they gave straight albumin via an IV (he also needed lasix to get the swelling down). We feel this did the most to turn things around quickly. It helped move the fluid out of his body and allow things to return to a more normal function in other organs.

If you want me to put them in contact with the Dr. there I would be happy to do so! Just say the word. Don't know if this relates to your son's situation but felt I should mention it.