Replacing compressor-thanks


Super Moderator
Not sure which post had it, but in discussing what treatments folks do I had said hyper sal was taking 20 minutes. Someone said that should not be the case and suggested a bad compressor. Replaced it and saved 10 minutes total (between Xopenex and hyper-sal) this AM. So for whoever said that, THANK YOU. Also, a heads up for others if you are having similar issues. NOTE: I change the filter monthly in the compressor so while it could just be the filter for others, if that doesn't work, it might be the compressor. Oh, and wow it is sooo much quieter (same brand and the other one was less than a year old!).


Staff member
Yep, wish someone had told me this way back when DS' tobi was taking 45-50 minutes instead of 20 -- brand new compressor, brand new baby wcf and we thought this was normal.


we are inpatient right now, and i am just in awe at the efficiancy of the treatments here. I was talking to the rt, and found out that you can get a medical grade compressor online for about 200 bucks online. not sure if insurance will pick it up, but it might be worth it to some who have the extra cash. I think i'm going to start saving for one.... 10 minutes for saline!?!?!? 15 for tobi!!!!?? totally worth it in the long run!


Super Moderator
That's a great idea, but does it affect the effectiveness or harshness of the meds? You'd think the hospitals would worry about that, but they might be more concerned with efficiency of staff. Wondering if folks have suggestions for medical grade compressor that is good for Pari LC for all meds???
Great idea--thanks for sharing.


New member
Along this line, can anyone tell me how long it's supposed to take for Pulmozyme? It's taking us 20 minutes before we run out of liquid in the cup. I thought it was supposed to be about 10 minutes, but when I called the company for service, they said they didn't know how long it should take. Our compressor is less than a year old, too.


Super Moderator
OMG--our pulmozyme even with the bad compressor was only taking at most 10 and it is usually 6 - 8. You are using a different cup, right?


Staff member
Mobilaire (sp) is a fairly good machine, though spendy -- couple hundred bucks. What's great about it, is you can adjust the PSI for the different meds. We still have a Devilbiss Pulmoaide as our everyday machine and a Pari Vios we travel with or use in our family room while DS vests and plays video games. Both are still under warranty


Just did Pulmozyme. With a Devilbiss Pulmoaide compressor (aat least two years old) and a Sidestream nebulizer, it took less than 10 minutes.

Five mL of saline with the Devilbiss Pulmoaide compressor and a Pari LC Plus nebulizer takes me about 15 minutes.

Wishing the best to all,
70 y/o with CF and Bronchiectasis


New member
I think we'll have to ask about it at our appt. tomorrow. He only nebulizes pulmozyme right now. (He's 12-months-old.)




Super Moderator
Erin, doesn't he do a brochial (sp?) dilator, Xopenex or Alburterol, first? My understanding is that is needed/helps to open lungs before doing Pulmoyzme?


Staff member
For us Tobi takes about 20-22 minutes. With either a Devilbiss pulmoaide or a pari vios (previously proneb ultra II). And a Pari LC neb cup.