Results of the Recent Spirometry Surveys


This past summer we ran three surveys on home spirometry. The goal was to find out what the community knew about personal spirometry and what you thought of it!
The first survey ran from June 14th to June 16th and 481 people took the survey! Thanks to everyone who took it!

41% were caregivers, 53% were patients and 5 percent were Health Care Professionals.
You came from all over the world, but mostly the US (this reflects our membership)
To be continued....


We asked:
How much does the idea of being able to track you or your child's PFT's from home appeal to you?
On a scale of 1 to 10...10 being the Most appealing you answered:

1...... 2......3.......4.......5.......6........7........8.........9.......10
1.2%...0.6%...0.6%...0.6%...4.4%...1.2%......7.9%..... 12.0%..8.2%.....63.6%

We asked:

Can you think of a time that if you had access to monitoring your PFTs at home you may have been able to detect exacebations before it got out of control:

YES................... NO...........Not interested in checking my PFTs at home

88.6%...............11.4%........ 2.0%



We found out:

The idea of your insurance paying for a personal PFT monitor is very appealing:

Strongly Disagree.......Disagree.....Neutral.....Agree......Strongly Agree.....Not applicable



You are welcome! Thanks everyone who took the surveys...(over 500 people!)

We learned:
Do you already own a device to monitor you or your loved ones PFT's from home?

Yes: 10.5% No: 88%