right enzyme amount


New member
Hi all, I was wondering how to know if the right amount of enzymes is given, how often does a CFer have to go to to the toilet after taking his enzymes and what should the normal stool look like?


New member
The way I understand it is that their stools should be as regular and consistent as that of a healthy person. Our daughter used to go up to 15 times per day but now that her enzymes are regulated she goes once daily and her stools are normal. If they don't digest it will usually happen with 30-60 mins. They will have to rush to the bathroom, have oily stools, and they will have stomach cramps. Your CF dietician should be able to help you with the doses for snacks and meals.


New member
You should go once or twice a day and they should be rather consistant in color and consistancy as the day before. Your stools should sink rather than float. They should not be loose or oily....hmmm thats all I can think of for right now. Even if the doc tells you what they think ou should take you may have to adjust them a little till you find one that you feel comfortable with. Oh and you should not have excessive gas...I know if I miss a dose of enzymes I get really bad gas.


New member
I don't know if its the same for everyone but i take: McNeil MT16 enzymes, 3 w/meals, 2w/snacks, 1 normal bowl movement a day, and i'm 17yrs old. (18 in april)