RIP Sweet Melissa ...



This just does not seem real. Melissa, you made this world a better place. Jazz will always know her mother was an extraordinary lady!
Love and Prayers,


This just does not seem real. Melissa, you made this world a better place. Jazz will always know her mother was an extraordinary lady!
Love and Prayers,


This just does not seem real. Melissa, you made this world a better place. Jazz will always know her mother was an extraordinary lady!
Love and Prayers,


This just does not seem real. Melissa, you made this world a better place. Jazz will always know her mother was an extraordinary lady!
Love and Prayers,


This just does not seem real. Melissa, you made this world a better place. Jazz will always know her mother was an extraordinary lady!
<br />Love and Prayers,
<br />Tonya


New member
Rest in peace Mel. We will miss you here. You leave a missing part of a family here that cannot ever be replaced.

Prayers for Robert & Jazz will remain.

Love ya-


New member
Rest in peace Mel. We will miss you here. You leave a missing part of a family here that cannot ever be replaced.

Prayers for Robert & Jazz will remain.

Love ya-


New member
Rest in peace Mel. We will miss you here. You leave a missing part of a family here that cannot ever be replaced.

Prayers for Robert & Jazz will remain.

Love ya-


New member
Rest in peace Mel. We will miss you here. You leave a missing part of a family here that cannot ever be replaced.

Prayers for Robert & Jazz will remain.

Love ya-


New member
Rest in peace Mel. We will miss you here. You leave a missing part of a family here that cannot ever be replaced.
<br />
<br />Prayers for Robert & Jazz will remain.
<br />
<br />Love ya-


I regret not hearing my concience say to give her a surprise call about a week ago when I heard she was in the hospital...the one chance I had to talk to her on the phone in 2007 will be memorable.

Work had to take priority over finding out how bad she was...I was too busy to look into it but also I guess I took for granted that she would pull out, but I see God had called her home now.

Condolences to her bereaved Husband whom I have a respect for and her lovely daughter whom I hope will grow up to be strong, brave and have all the same wonderfull traits as her mother did.

RIP and breathe easy Mel.


I regret not hearing my concience say to give her a surprise call about a week ago when I heard she was in the hospital...the one chance I had to talk to her on the phone in 2007 will be memorable.

Work had to take priority over finding out how bad she was...I was too busy to look into it but also I guess I took for granted that she would pull out, but I see God had called her home now.

Condolences to her bereaved Husband whom I have a respect for and her lovely daughter whom I hope will grow up to be strong, brave and have all the same wonderfull traits as her mother did.

RIP and breathe easy Mel.


I regret not hearing my concience say to give her a surprise call about a week ago when I heard she was in the hospital...the one chance I had to talk to her on the phone in 2007 will be memorable.

Work had to take priority over finding out how bad she was...I was too busy to look into it but also I guess I took for granted that she would pull out, but I see God had called her home now.

Condolences to her bereaved Husband whom I have a respect for and her lovely daughter whom I hope will grow up to be strong, brave and have all the same wonderfull traits as her mother did.

RIP and breathe easy Mel.


I regret not hearing my concience say to give her a surprise call about a week ago when I heard she was in the hospital...the one chance I had to talk to her on the phone in 2007 will be memorable.

Work had to take priority over finding out how bad she was...I was too busy to look into it but also I guess I took for granted that she would pull out, but I see God had called her home now.

Condolences to her bereaved Husband whom I have a respect for and her lovely daughter whom I hope will grow up to be strong, brave and have all the same wonderfull traits as her mother did.

RIP and breathe easy Mel.


I regret not hearing my concience say to give her a surprise call about a week ago when I heard she was in the hospital...the one chance I had to talk to her on the phone in 2007 will be memorable.
<br />
<br />Work had to take priority over finding out how bad she was...I was too busy to look into it but also I guess I took for granted that she would pull out, but I see God had called her home now.
<br />
<br />Condolences to her bereaved Husband whom I have a respect for and her lovely daughter whom I hope will grow up to be strong, brave and have all the same wonderfull traits as her mother did.
<br />
<br />RIP and breathe easy Mel.