Robitusin Cough Medicine....


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<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"> Hi there. I keep reading topics in here that have to do with Robitussin cough medicine and getting pregnant. Can you or someone please tell me how taking Robitussin cough medicine, I am assuming it's the one that loosens the phlem...Well how is this supposed to help loosen the mucus down there to help conseption? I myself am very interested in getting pregnant. I am a 36 yr old female with CF (diagnosed at the age of 3yrs) and would love to have at least one baby b4 it's too late for me. so any info anyone might have will be greatly appreciated.Thankx


New member
The Robitussin DM has guanefissin in it and it helps thin the mucus throughout the body, not just in the lungs. So it should help women with CF conceive by losening the mucus in the reproductive organs.........Andrea


New member
Before you start using robitusin to lure the stork, ask your doc. It makes sense that robitusin would thin mucus in the reproductive system, but you shouldn't use it for this purpose. It is a cough medicine and should only be used as such unless your doc is supervising.Debbie22 yr old w/CF


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Our first CF Dr. said that people w/CF should never take cough medicine since it is good to cough to bring up the mucus. You don't want to suppress the cough.


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I'm right there with you. I am a 33 year old female and i want to have kids so badly and have struggled with infertility issues over the years. I am supposed to be all set now, but have yet to conceive - it has been very frustrating. I think that the Robittusin might be a good idea if not used all of the time, just use the Expectorant kind, not the suppressant Robitussin. At least that's what my doc always recomended...I might give it a go and see what happens....Andrea, did this help you in getting pregnant, and did you have any problems concieving??Lori in NY


New member
There are different types of cough med. The one the originator is referring to is an expectorant, not a supressant.


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Coughing is good for CF patients, as long as they are coughing something up. We have even considered giving our child cough medicine every other day (expectorant not suppressant) to help keep his lungs clear