rock bottom...


New member
i know exactly how you feel...i was coughing my @$$ off once and i went to the bathroom in the resteraunt we were in to not bother the people around me, and the lady in the bathroom too (she couldnt see me) thought it was this other lady in there. she said; 'you sound awful. i hope you get better soon'. i cant express in word how much i wanted to come out of the stall, and with a scarily calm face tell her how i wasnt sick, and that i sure as hell wouldnt get better. let me tell you, it can seem so often that there is NOTHING you can do. i think of my dream of traveling with just a backpack around europe, and having 'adventures', like those you read about in books, and crushing despair sets in when i realize 1000 to 1 odds, i wont be able to do that. i can say right now that even though it may be short, its all the better to be living life to the fullest and taking risks (as long as they arent too asinine). the last piece of advice, although it may sound silly and stupid, i suggest you read the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. These books have taught me more than i may even realize just yet about how important it is to fight for life, and the lives of those you hold dear. i hope this helped...if not, i hope you can find atleast a bit of comfort in these words. people with cf, even though it seems like a curse, gain the benefit of being more mature and capable because of all the $hit we have to go through. dont look at it as a bad thing; because in a lot of ways, cf teaches you to be strong.