Rough few days...

  • Thread starter lemonstolemonade
  • Start date


Rough few days...
Date: 2/2/2007
Time now: around...7:31 EST

DD's been fighting a bad cold and it finally got a hold of her something fierce. She sounded horrible on Thursday evening when she woke up from a nap. There was a rattle and wheezing. Luckily her pediatrican told us to come on to the hospital and he'd wait for us. We got to bypass the ER.

He admitted her that night and had chest xrays made, bloodwork done, and an RSV test run.

The RSV test came back positive, she had an elevated white blood cell count, and was dehydrated. She was put on IV antibiotics and IV fluid for dehydration.

Based on the information we gave her pediatrician, he figures as of today she is either in day 2 or day 3 of the RSV issue. If she is in day 2, we can expect her to continue to have breathing treatments, continued breathing problems, and her IV in until this time tomorrow. If she is in day 3, then as her fever comes down (it has been running rather high) he will begin to wean her off the IV as long as she increases her eating (drinking).

If she continues to stay hydrated and eats, we are on the downhill slope and are fortunate it wasn't a "bad" case. I've learned from this, when your child can't breathe because of an abundance of congestion in her head an chest, "bad" is a relative term.

It seems that everyone's first response has been, "Why was she even on Synagis (the RSV shot) if she still got RSV?" Her pediatrician explained that not all immunizations or vaccinations can protect everyone from everything. He thinks the reason her case wasn't as bad as it could have been (like the other children on the hall) is because she was on the shots. I read all of the literature about Synergist before we did the shots. It compared itself to the Flu Shot where they focus on one most common strain to create the vaccination/immunization (whichever is correct...I'm too tired to look it up) and sometimes they miss. PCP and I spent about 20 minutes discussing how medicine isn't an exact science, etc., blah, blah, blah, but I digres...

I'm going to say YEA SHOTS and not think twice about it. I visited for a mintue with a mother of a 6 month old with RSV on the hall. They had progressed to having to have oxygen and breathing treatments every 2 hours. They were contemplating bypassing Macon and sending him on to Atlanta.

We are so lucky. Seriously, L U C K Y .

As long as her fever goes down, she'll be coming home tomorrow. Dave and I both were with her last night, and I was with her today. Dave is at the hospital with DD tonight and CarrierD and I are at home.

Ultimately, I just think we're fortunate to have a pediatrician who errs on the side of caution when it comes to our dear little one's health.

<b>Here are a few questions out there for folks:</b>

1. Has RSV been a trigger for an asymptomatic CF child that you know of?
2. Our PCP has been handling her RSV case since it was, as he put it, "mild" compared to the other kids on the hall, what sort of things should I expect at her clinic appointment on the 13th? (They communicate well.)
3. Do CF children who get RSV culture anything afterward?
4. Why do I feel this is the just the beginning?

Thank you all for reading. I'm about to drop, so I think I'm going to collect my 2 year old, tuck her in, and go to be myself!!!


THANK YOU HEATHER! I was so tired I was stupid about the medication name. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Have a great one


Rough few days...
Date: 2/2/2007
Time now: around...7:31 EST

DD's been fighting a bad cold and it finally got a hold of her something fierce. She sounded horrible on Thursday evening when she woke up from a nap. There was a rattle and wheezing. Luckily her pediatrican told us to come on to the hospital and he'd wait for us. We got to bypass the ER.

He admitted her that night and had chest xrays made, bloodwork done, and an RSV test run.

The RSV test came back positive, she had an elevated white blood cell count, and was dehydrated. She was put on IV antibiotics and IV fluid for dehydration.

Based on the information we gave her pediatrician, he figures as of today she is either in day 2 or day 3 of the RSV issue. If she is in day 2, we can expect her to continue to have breathing treatments, continued breathing problems, and her IV in until this time tomorrow. If she is in day 3, then as her fever comes down (it has been running rather high) he will begin to wean her off the IV as long as she increases her eating (drinking).

If she continues to stay hydrated and eats, we are on the downhill slope and are fortunate it wasn't a "bad" case. I've learned from this, when your child can't breathe because of an abundance of congestion in her head an chest, "bad" is a relative term.

It seems that everyone's first response has been, "Why was she even on Synagis (the RSV shot) if she still got RSV?" Her pediatrician explained that not all immunizations or vaccinations can protect everyone from everything. He thinks the reason her case wasn't as bad as it could have been (like the other children on the hall) is because she was on the shots. I read all of the literature about Synergist before we did the shots. It compared itself to the Flu Shot where they focus on one most common strain to create the vaccination/immunization (whichever is correct...I'm too tired to look it up) and sometimes they miss. PCP and I spent about 20 minutes discussing how medicine isn't an exact science, etc., blah, blah, blah, but I digres...

I'm going to say YEA SHOTS and not think twice about it. I visited for a mintue with a mother of a 6 month old with RSV on the hall. They had progressed to having to have oxygen and breathing treatments every 2 hours. They were contemplating bypassing Macon and sending him on to Atlanta.

We are so lucky. Seriously, L U C K Y .

As long as her fever goes down, she'll be coming home tomorrow. Dave and I both were with her last night, and I was with her today. Dave is at the hospital with DD tonight and CarrierD and I are at home.

Ultimately, I just think we're fortunate to have a pediatrician who errs on the side of caution when it comes to our dear little one's health.

<b>Here are a few questions out there for folks:</b>

1. Has RSV been a trigger for an asymptomatic CF child that you know of?
2. Our PCP has been handling her RSV case since it was, as he put it, "mild" compared to the other kids on the hall, what sort of things should I expect at her clinic appointment on the 13th? (They communicate well.)
3. Do CF children who get RSV culture anything afterward?
4. Why do I feel this is the just the beginning?

Thank you all for reading. I'm about to drop, so I think I'm going to collect my 2 year old, tuck her in, and go to be myself!!!


THANK YOU HEATHER! I was so tired I was stupid about the medication name. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Have a great one


Rough few days...
Date: 2/2/2007
Time now: around...7:31 EST

DD's been fighting a bad cold and it finally got a hold of her something fierce. She sounded horrible on Thursday evening when she woke up from a nap. There was a rattle and wheezing. Luckily her pediatrican told us to come on to the hospital and he'd wait for us. We got to bypass the ER.

He admitted her that night and had chest xrays made, bloodwork done, and an RSV test run.

The RSV test came back positive, she had an elevated white blood cell count, and was dehydrated. She was put on IV antibiotics and IV fluid for dehydration.

Based on the information we gave her pediatrician, he figures as of today she is either in day 2 or day 3 of the RSV issue. If she is in day 2, we can expect her to continue to have breathing treatments, continued breathing problems, and her IV in until this time tomorrow. If she is in day 3, then as her fever comes down (it has been running rather high) he will begin to wean her off the IV as long as she increases her eating (drinking).

If she continues to stay hydrated and eats, we are on the downhill slope and are fortunate it wasn't a "bad" case. I've learned from this, when your child can't breathe because of an abundance of congestion in her head an chest, "bad" is a relative term.

It seems that everyone's first response has been, "Why was she even on Synagis (the RSV shot) if she still got RSV?" Her pediatrician explained that not all immunizations or vaccinations can protect everyone from everything. He thinks the reason her case wasn't as bad as it could have been (like the other children on the hall) is because she was on the shots. I read all of the literature about Synergist before we did the shots. It compared itself to the Flu Shot where they focus on one most common strain to create the vaccination/immunization (whichever is correct...I'm too tired to look it up) and sometimes they miss. PCP and I spent about 20 minutes discussing how medicine isn't an exact science, etc., blah, blah, blah, but I digres...

I'm going to say YEA SHOTS and not think twice about it. I visited for a mintue with a mother of a 6 month old with RSV on the hall. They had progressed to having to have oxygen and breathing treatments every 2 hours. They were contemplating bypassing Macon and sending him on to Atlanta.

We are so lucky. Seriously, L U C K Y .

As long as her fever goes down, she'll be coming home tomorrow. Dave and I both were with her last night, and I was with her today. Dave is at the hospital with DD tonight and CarrierD and I are at home.

Ultimately, I just think we're fortunate to have a pediatrician who errs on the side of caution when it comes to our dear little one's health.

<b>Here are a few questions out there for folks:</b>

1. Has RSV been a trigger for an asymptomatic CF child that you know of?
2. Our PCP has been handling her RSV case since it was, as he put it, "mild" compared to the other kids on the hall, what sort of things should I expect at her clinic appointment on the 13th? (They communicate well.)
3. Do CF children who get RSV culture anything afterward?
4. Why do I feel this is the just the beginning?

Thank you all for reading. I'm about to drop, so I think I'm going to collect my 2 year old, tuck her in, and go to be myself!!!


THANK YOU HEATHER! I was so tired I was stupid about the medication name. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Have a great one


New member
emmm, I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad she is feeling better and that it's a "mild" case. You are in my prayers.


New member
emmm, I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad she is feeling better and that it's a "mild" case. You are in my prayers.


New member
emmm, I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad she is feeling better and that it's a "mild" case. You are in my prayers.


Don't worry, I had to ask to when my 2 year old was suspected of having it when she was 6 months old.

This site explains it well.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


Don't worry, I had to ask to when my 2 year old was suspected of having it when she was 6 months old.

This site explains it well.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


Don't worry, I had to ask to when my 2 year old was suspected of having it when she was 6 months old.

This site explains it well.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


Oh Em, I am soooo sorry to hear this news. I hope that you see a quick recovery and little sweetie is home from the hospital soon.

I'm bothered by the knowledge that the synagis didn't protect her -- Alyssa gets synagis too!!

As for whether RSV can kick in symptoms of CF, I doubt it. But what do I know -- this whole world is counter-intuitive for me. My thought would be though, that the CF center would want to treat it like it is CF related (regardless), as that has been my experience. I'll be interested to hear what the CF team does. I'm kinda surprised that your CF team didn't ask to be alerted to a situation such as this.

I'm so glad this was a mild version -- hoping it stays that way!!

Big hugs!! And let me know if there is anything I can do!!!!


Oh Em, I am soooo sorry to hear this news. I hope that you see a quick recovery and little sweetie is home from the hospital soon.

I'm bothered by the knowledge that the synagis didn't protect her -- Alyssa gets synagis too!!

As for whether RSV can kick in symptoms of CF, I doubt it. But what do I know -- this whole world is counter-intuitive for me. My thought would be though, that the CF center would want to treat it like it is CF related (regardless), as that has been my experience. I'll be interested to hear what the CF team does. I'm kinda surprised that your CF team didn't ask to be alerted to a situation such as this.

I'm so glad this was a mild version -- hoping it stays that way!!

Big hugs!! And let me know if there is anything I can do!!!!


Oh Em, I am soooo sorry to hear this news. I hope that you see a quick recovery and little sweetie is home from the hospital soon.

I'm bothered by the knowledge that the synagis didn't protect her -- Alyssa gets synagis too!!

As for whether RSV can kick in symptoms of CF, I doubt it. But what do I know -- this whole world is counter-intuitive for me. My thought would be though, that the CF center would want to treat it like it is CF related (regardless), as that has been my experience. I'll be interested to hear what the CF team does. I'm kinda surprised that your CF team didn't ask to be alerted to a situation such as this.

I'm so glad this was a mild version -- hoping it stays that way!!

Big hugs!! And let me know if there is anything I can do!!!!


New member
non-rsv bronchiolitis (i think that's what they called it) was what resulted in our first visit to the hospital just about this time last year--before the cf diagnosis. pretty mild case--no oxygen needed. it was what led us to our pulmonologist referral and eventually to the cf dx (when dd was 16 months).
the symptoms from that illness were the first that dd ever had (besides her weird poo that none of our drs ever worried about) and she was and still is on a neb pretty much non-stop ever since. i have no idea if that illness triggered anything specific, but just thought i'd share our experience for what its worth.

good luck and hope she gets better soon and that you can get some rest!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
non-rsv bronchiolitis (i think that's what they called it) was what resulted in our first visit to the hospital just about this time last year--before the cf diagnosis. pretty mild case--no oxygen needed. it was what led us to our pulmonologist referral and eventually to the cf dx (when dd was 16 months).
the symptoms from that illness were the first that dd ever had (besides her weird poo that none of our drs ever worried about) and she was and still is on a neb pretty much non-stop ever since. i have no idea if that illness triggered anything specific, but just thought i'd share our experience for what its worth.

good luck and hope she gets better soon and that you can get some rest!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
non-rsv bronchiolitis (i think that's what they called it) was what resulted in our first visit to the hospital just about this time last year--before the cf diagnosis. pretty mild case--no oxygen needed. it was what led us to our pulmonologist referral and eventually to the cf dx (when dd was 16 months).
the symptoms from that illness were the first that dd ever had (besides her weird poo that none of our drs ever worried about) and she was and still is on a neb pretty much non-stop ever since. i have no idea if that illness triggered anything specific, but just thought i'd share our experience for what its worth.

good luck and hope she gets better soon and that you can get some rest!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh, I'm so sorry Emily. Okay first a hug. Now a deep breath. This is not the beginning of anything it is just a nasty, hateful virus and she will more than likely clear it like any other child.

Ben had RSV at 9 months. He did not develop the typical RSV cough or wheeze (which I attribute to breastfeeding) but did have a forceful cough. The coughing irritated his throat teribly and triggered his reflux temporarily. For him this combo made him unable to eat orally, which landed him in hospital do to losing some weight. I was concerned about deydration as well but it wasn't an issue. He began eating normally about 10 days (yes 10 days of no nursing, wow talk about drastic) into it and the cough cleared at 14 days (which is typical RSV I believe). We were on IV antibiotics since he cultured something new, but he did really well. Once his esoph. healed he went back to full time nursing and eating and gained back his weight very quickly. I pumped the whole time and gave it to him in his NG until he started nursing again.

He was not immunized or given RSV shots and aside from not eating, he went through the virus very easily. THey were impressed how well he did. We did not see any lasting affects and he has been fine ever since.

Give her some time to go through it, keep that breast milk coming if she is eating well (expect some slow down though and pump if you feel she is missing feedings due to not feeling well) and think positive thoughts. YOu are doing everything you can...she'll be okay. My heart is with you...I know it is hard when they are sick.

The sibling thing is tough when in hospital...Julia was turning 4 and I wouldn't leave Ben so daddy and grandma's handled it all. Hang in there.



New member
Oh, I'm so sorry Emily. Okay first a hug. Now a deep breath. This is not the beginning of anything it is just a nasty, hateful virus and she will more than likely clear it like any other child.

Ben had RSV at 9 months. He did not develop the typical RSV cough or wheeze (which I attribute to breastfeeding) but did have a forceful cough. The coughing irritated his throat teribly and triggered his reflux temporarily. For him this combo made him unable to eat orally, which landed him in hospital do to losing some weight. I was concerned about deydration as well but it wasn't an issue. He began eating normally about 10 days (yes 10 days of no nursing, wow talk about drastic) into it and the cough cleared at 14 days (which is typical RSV I believe). We were on IV antibiotics since he cultured something new, but he did really well. Once his esoph. healed he went back to full time nursing and eating and gained back his weight very quickly. I pumped the whole time and gave it to him in his NG until he started nursing again.

He was not immunized or given RSV shots and aside from not eating, he went through the virus very easily. THey were impressed how well he did. We did not see any lasting affects and he has been fine ever since.

Give her some time to go through it, keep that breast milk coming if she is eating well (expect some slow down though and pump if you feel she is missing feedings due to not feeling well) and think positive thoughts. YOu are doing everything you can...she'll be okay. My heart is with you...I know it is hard when they are sick.

The sibling thing is tough when in hospital...Julia was turning 4 and I wouldn't leave Ben so daddy and grandma's handled it all. Hang in there.
