Rough few days...

  • Thread starter lemonstolemonade
  • Start date


New member
Oh, I'm so sorry Emily. Okay first a hug. Now a deep breath. This is not the beginning of anything it is just a nasty, hateful virus and she will more than likely clear it like any other child.

Ben had RSV at 9 months. He did not develop the typical RSV cough or wheeze (which I attribute to breastfeeding) but did have a forceful cough. The coughing irritated his throat teribly and triggered his reflux temporarily. For him this combo made him unable to eat orally, which landed him in hospital do to losing some weight. I was concerned about deydration as well but it wasn't an issue. He began eating normally about 10 days (yes 10 days of no nursing, wow talk about drastic) into it and the cough cleared at 14 days (which is typical RSV I believe). We were on IV antibiotics since he cultured something new, but he did really well. Once his esoph. healed he went back to full time nursing and eating and gained back his weight very quickly. I pumped the whole time and gave it to him in his NG until he started nursing again.

He was not immunized or given RSV shots and aside from not eating, he went through the virus very easily. THey were impressed how well he did. We did not see any lasting affects and he has been fine ever since.

Give her some time to go through it, keep that breast milk coming if she is eating well (expect some slow down though and pump if you feel she is missing feedings due to not feeling well) and think positive thoughts. YOu are doing everything you can...she'll be okay. My heart is with you...I know it is hard when they are sick.

The sibling thing is tough when in hospital...Julia was turning 4 and I wouldn't leave Ben so daddy and grandma's handled it all. Hang in there.



Good morning!

Last night was another rough night for our DD. The IV in her foot broke free and they had to redo the IV in her arm. She had problems sleeping through the night because of her high fever but....things look much better this morning.

They have completely weaned her off her IV (it is still in her arm, but not hooked up) and she doesn't have a fever any longer.

He's just waiting on the pedi to let us know when they can go home! Hopefully that will be sometime this morning.

Thanks for all of the good thoughts! We certainly appreciate it!



Good morning!

Last night was another rough night for our DD. The IV in her foot broke free and they had to redo the IV in her arm. She had problems sleeping through the night because of her high fever but....things look much better this morning.

They have completely weaned her off her IV (it is still in her arm, but not hooked up) and she doesn't have a fever any longer.

He's just waiting on the pedi to let us know when they can go home! Hopefully that will be sometime this morning.

Thanks for all of the good thoughts! We certainly appreciate it!



Good morning!

Last night was another rough night for our DD. The IV in her foot broke free and they had to redo the IV in her arm. She had problems sleeping through the night because of her high fever but....things look much better this morning.

They have completely weaned her off her IV (it is still in her arm, but not hooked up) and she doesn't have a fever any longer.

He's just waiting on the pedi to let us know when they can go home! Hopefully that will be sometime this morning.

Thanks for all of the good thoughts! We certainly appreciate it!



Pre-schooler (PS) and I are home. Dave decided that he wanted to stay again tonight. I think he is enjoying the time to "himself."

The doctor hasn't stopped by today, but Dave did tell me that in the middle of the night DD got another round of antibiotics. She felt warm when I got there, but it may just be that I was cold. She was in awesome spirits

The later it gets, the more likely I think she'll be in there another night. I just can't imagine her being released this late. Don't know. Hospitals are strange.

I'd rather her be well than relapse when she gets this is a good thing.

Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts, and good vibes you've been sending our way.



Pre-schooler (PS) and I are home. Dave decided that he wanted to stay again tonight. I think he is enjoying the time to "himself."

The doctor hasn't stopped by today, but Dave did tell me that in the middle of the night DD got another round of antibiotics. She felt warm when I got there, but it may just be that I was cold. She was in awesome spirits

The later it gets, the more likely I think she'll be in there another night. I just can't imagine her being released this late. Don't know. Hospitals are strange.

I'd rather her be well than relapse when she gets this is a good thing.

Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts, and good vibes you've been sending our way.



Pre-schooler (PS) and I are home. Dave decided that he wanted to stay again tonight. I think he is enjoying the time to "himself."

The doctor hasn't stopped by today, but Dave did tell me that in the middle of the night DD got another round of antibiotics. She felt warm when I got there, but it may just be that I was cold. She was in awesome spirits

The later it gets, the more likely I think she'll be in there another night. I just can't imagine her being released this late. Don't know. Hospitals are strange.

I'd rather her be well than relapse when she gets this is a good thing.

Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts, and good vibes you've been sending our way.




Dave just called and they are working on pulling together her discharge papers so she can come home tonight. Dr. says she sounds like a million bucks, but that we will have to continue to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours for another week or so.

I think we'll be keeping her home tomorrow and not worrying with church.

Mama is doing the happy dance!




Dave just called and they are working on pulling together her discharge papers so she can come home tonight. Dr. says she sounds like a million bucks, but that we will have to continue to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours for another week or so.

I think we'll be keeping her home tomorrow and not worrying with church.

Mama is doing the happy dance!




Dave just called and they are working on pulling together her discharge papers so she can come home tonight. Dr. says she sounds like a million bucks, but that we will have to continue to do breathing treatments every 4-6 hours for another week or so.

I think we'll be keeping her home tomorrow and not worrying with church.

Mama is doing the happy dance!



New member
Emily I'm a bit confused by your signature.... are you saying that your 5 month old CFer is asymptomatic? I don't know many CFers that had many CF symptoms at age 5 months....

help me out here


New member
Emily I'm a bit confused by your signature.... are you saying that your 5 month old CFer is asymptomatic? I don't know many CFers that had many CF symptoms at age 5 months....

help me out here


New member
Emily I'm a bit confused by your signature.... are you saying that your 5 month old CFer is asymptomatic? I don't know many CFers that had many CF symptoms at age 5 months....

help me out here


I am soooo glad she is coming home!! Wooo hooo! Give her big hugs!! Here's hoping the worst is over!


I am soooo glad she is coming home!! Wooo hooo! Give her big hugs!! Here's hoping the worst is over!


I am soooo glad she is coming home!! Wooo hooo! Give her big hugs!! Here's hoping the worst is over!


New member
Great news! I was thinking of you guys today and hoping she was turning the corner. I bet she'll just go through it with no problems ;-)

Many good thoughts...

Amy, infants present differently and at different times. Some infants present with lung congestion right away others not until much later. Ben would have benefitted from newborn screening as he needed enzymes right away and suffered greatly by not being diagnosed at birth. Her daughter doesn't require enzymes and has no lung involvement - so asymptomatic means no symptoms of CF are presenting at this time and none are. It's really all over the board and not age related.

Sorry emily didn't mean to speak for you but I wasn't sure you had time to answer with your little one coming home from the hospital and all.