DS was about 5 months old when RSV season hit our area. Our CF doctor in the City was adamant that we get it; however, the local doctors normally didn't prescribe it. I imagine because it was so expensive -- $3000+ per shot.
We stressed to the local doctor it's importance, but for some reason CF wasn't considered high risk by their criteria, nor was it considered necessary by BCBS of ND. Finally we had an attorney draft a letter to BCBS stating that shots are a drop in the bucket compared to the expense of an extended hospital stay, possible lung damage, stress on parents caring for a child with a genetic disorder... Was faxed to BCBS and approved by them within minutes.
He only had the shots for the first year -- November thru March. Once a month we'd go to the clinic. They'd weigh him to determine amount of serum. Prepare the vaccine, which took 20 minutes because once mixed it had to sit -- or longer if the nurses got busy. Well worth it considering RSV hit our area especially hard that year.
A lady I work with's grandson got RSV shortly after he was born and is now 4 -- to this day he still has breathing problems -- during colder winter or if he gets a little sick, which doctors attribute to the RSV>