Rude Hospital Nurses


New member
My 15 year old son is in the Children's hospital for a "Tune UP", we have always liked this hospital and choose this over ones closer to our home due to the compassion and attention our CF/Diabetic child receives. WELL, things are not the same with this trip. Its as though our son is too old for the nurses to attend to, they seem to "ASSUME" he is not as needy as a younger child, and I am surprised. Our nurse is so con-descending to me that I want to cry. Mind you we were just admitted yesterday, Im running off stress and little sleep. I usually get along with the staff, in fact one nurse gave me a hug when she saw me, so although I will take responsibility for some of this, I simply don't know how to deal with the POOR bed side manner of our nurse. Here are a couple of specifics.: His nurse asked me how many carbs my son was going to eat for breakfast, I replied I wasnt certain, she then said " Most 15 year olds know how many they are going to eat, and this is not the diabetic wing"...I let this slide...later after a 40 minute wait for the nurse to check Sams blood sugars ( he is in the pulmonary wing), Sam ate and when she came to the room, she said " Maybe this is why you cant manage his health care at home"..I am so angry.


New member
Oohh I would be steaming too! You can refuse certain nurses, that is your right. You also have the right to have a chat with the supervisor and vent your concerns to him/her. That nurse has a terrible bedside manner, she really is out of line saying those things. I hope things get better for you guys, it's stressful enough to be in the hospital, it's even worse when you don't get the care or attention that your son deserves. I will be thinking of both of you!

Jenn 40 wCF


Super Moderator
Oohh I would be steaming too! You can refuse certain nurses, that is your right. You also have the right to have a chat with the supervisor and vent your concerns to him/her. That nurse has a terrible bedside manner, she really is out of line saying those things. I hope things get better for you guys, it's stressful enough to be in the hospital, it's even worse when you don't get the care or attention that your son deserves. I will be thinking of both of you! Jenn 40 wCF
What a B*tch....I agree with Jen! My mother would always go straight to the supervisor if we ever had an issue with a certain nurse and let her know what happened. Also requesting a different nurse. I understand that everyone has their own bad days (talking about the nurse) but when you have a job such as being an RN, a bad attitude is unacceptable!
Hugs to you....


Active member
Did you consider what that nurse may have gone through that day. Maybe a 3 week old child dying. Maybe her Mother is dying. Cut her some slack until you know the complete story. Your 15 year old son is not her only patient.
The world, even the hospital, dosen't revolve around you and your son.Bill


New member
WOW Bill, that was excessive and harsh, I dont imagine you thought of what we are going through either, but I am not at a hotel complaining about lack of service, I am in the hospital with a very ill child, less than 50% lung fuction low oxygen, diabetes out of control, job loss, husband lost his LEG, and simply disappointed at the lack of courtesy and manner in a HOSPITAL. I used this venue to vent and seek encouragement, for the difficulties in parenting a child with a growing and chronic illness, Your response is no less than " Bullying" and not welcome.


I don't care what the nurse is dealing with hin her personal life, she needs to treat you and your son with more respect. PERIOD. I'm so sorry!!! I think I'd ask to speak to the charge nurse and explain that you can be reasonable, but working on no sleep and being stressed as you are with an admit, the LEAST you expect is to be treated with compassion. If the nurse can't do that, the nurse shouldn't be his nurse.


New member
It is terrible when you are in the hospital and you have a rude, condescending nurse!! I had a nurse removed when my Mom was in ICU. You have the right to be treated better than that and to request a different nurse. I work in the health field and worked at the very same hospital where I had the nurse removed! I worked there for 9 years and for the record I watched my Mom die and I did not take it out on any of my patients, I actually was more empathetic with them.


New member
I would be LIVID!! I have one more than one occasion gotten NURSES and "baby doctors" (residents) removed from my childs care. A hospital is a BUISNESS you have the right to amazing service since you are paying for it. IF a nurse is having a bad day they need to excuse themselves and take a breath. I would get with the head nurse and explain what happened and that you already have a plate full and do not appreciate this woman's view on a situation she obviously has no clue about.
I'm sorry to hear about your family stress aside from the CF side of the house. I hope the rest of the month become brighter for you!


New member
I was a nurse before I went out on disability, even if I had a bad day, I NEVER took it out on my patients! Ever! It's just not something any nurse should do... A patient should feel comfortable with their caregivers from dietary, to the CNA, to the nurse.....the whole team. They are sick, and under stress, they don't need a sour pussed nurse making their life more difficult. In fact, I tried to make their stay as stress free as possible by making sure they had fresh water, fresh gowns, changing their beds because there is nothing more gross than a sweaty bed after you've broken a fever and drenched it, getting special items from the cafeteria and even bringing things from home if they are having a tough time eating the food that they are offered, rubbing their get the point. They should be made to feel special, that their concerns matter. I have had bad days where patients have died, or have been chewed out by doctors etc, but my patients would never have known, like I said, it's just not kosher to take it out on patients because you are having a bad day. Just my thought.....I am sure most nurses would agree with me. Jenn 40 wCF


New member
Wow, I think I would have lost it with that nurse on a good day, much less with no sleep and stress from having a sick child. Hopefully you have a different nurse by now (ours always worked 12 hr shifts), and can request a different one. I hope your son gets better soon, and that he gets a different nurse.


My daughter had gotten a nurse like that one time. She has a lot of GI issues and has stomach pain all the time. The nurse came in and said "Maybe it's your period" The tone was uncalled for and she did not even have a period at that time. After that day we did not have her again during that visit or any other.
Report her. Her private life has nothing to do with her doing her job. She is there to take care of children no matter the age.
I hope things go better for you and speak up next time she says something to you that you do not like.


New member
Oh goodness. I'm all for cutting a bit of slack (as in not reading into every little thing said and done) as no one is perfect- but this is way over the top and goes far beyond that. "maybe this is why you can't manage his health care at home"?!? I think I would have LOST it. That was exceedingly rude and unprofessional. I would definitely discuss this with her supervisor and make sure you don't get her again.

I think staff at a children's hospital, from child life to nursing to drs, all have to have sensitivity and knowledge how to care for kids at every age, from babies all the way through the teen years. Teenagers are more independent but still need special care- they aren't little adults. We as parents certainly need the same consideration regardless of our kids' ages. No matter their age being inpatient is HARD, and they may be sicker as teenagers than they were as little ones too, leaving us with bigger worries.

I'm so sorry you had to deal with this on top of such a stressful stay to begin with. I hope you are able to get some rest, and that your son gets some good care and things start improving soon.


Active member

I have had about 70 hospitalizations for pancreatitis. I have been hospitalized 5 times for surgeries. I have had a few tune-ups. For all but the tune-ups I was in a semi-private room. I have seen about everything that there is to see in a hospital. I even saw a guy bring a gun, to the hospital, to shoot the doctor, because his Mother was not getting well enough, fast enough.

When you say that you chose this hospital over hospitals closer to home because of the compassion and attention that your son receives there, you are stating that at the local hospitals then would not meet your standards of compassion and attention. I'm guessing that you know this based upon first hand knowledge.

When the nurse asked about your sons intake of carbs at breakfast, I bet that she wasn't just being curious. I bet that info was required by the Dietary Department. I bet that she thought that you or your son would know the answer to that question. If you don't know, who does. Evidently someone in the hospital thought that this info was important to your son's health. Either that or she was just being nosey.

Now you sat there for 40 minutes while Sam was waiting to eat. Sam couldn't eat because nobody checked his blood levels. Did it occur to you to walk to the Nurses Station and inquire as to the delay? You could have spoke to, your friend, the nurse who hugged you. Then your nurse might have stopped sitting around watching TV and come to your room.

Now I must admit that, you are right, I have no idea what you were going through. During my hospitalizations for pancreatitis I was certainly not as sick or in as much pain as Sam going in for a tune up. Certainly no other patient on the floor was as sick as Sam.

Please forgive my ignorance, CF and CFRD and stressed out nurses are completly foreign to me.



New member
Thanks to the moms and their support, wisdom and encouragement. I did speak with a charge nurse as things became neglectful to the point of sam being in a "critical" diabetic state. I will no longer be using this forum however..with cyber bullies and insensitive people like Bill " Printer" responding. Im not looking for additional stress, conflict or judgemental viewpoints, just trying to make it through each day.


Sam's mom. Please do not judge us by Printer. He was out of line and still is with the remarks. You came looking for support and not get bashed. We all know as parents that there a lot of sick kids on the same floor as our kids. But, to have a staff member be rude is out of line no matter what. The staff is there to help educate parents as well as the child.
I do not understand why Printer is being mean and bullying you the way he is. My daughter stopped coming to this site because of the rudeness and bullying. In fact she won't join any support group related to her illness because of people like him.


New member
Murgie, I'm sorry for what your family is going through both CF related & otherwise. I hope you won't let some comments keep you from receiving the support that you came here for. You can block people so that you don't see their comments. Out of sight; out of mind you know?

With the overwhelming circumstances your family is experiencing I can completely understand how you need only positive things right now. Most of us can't take our personal problems to work with us, and especially when ones responsibility is to care for people, they need to check their attitudes at the door. I hope the rest of your stay is better, and that your son improves quickly.



Staff member
We had issues with a nurse when DS was in the NICU. DH had it out with her and she asked if we wanted a different nurse. Wasn't her treatment of DS, it was with her attitude toward me -- she was rude, condescending, would talk about me with other staff while I was in the room. Think she was used to dealing with much younger, much less experienced parents who didn't usually ask questions or spend all day with their kids and I was interfering with her little kingdom. As long as she took excellent care of DS and kept her snotty comments to herself we didn't have a problem with her. Once we got that straightened out, was the best nurse ever and a great advocate for us when they were still trying to figure out DS during his recovery from his initial surgery and subsequent infections, vomiting episodes, etc.

The other time was with an RT who was busy texting and talking on his cell during DS' vest treatment a night or so after his surgery for a bowel obstruction. He just strapped the vest on him, prepared the nebs without checking the programming, which apparently had been set for someone else. We'd been using his personal vest a 104 until a hospital one was available. DH asked him several times to TURN DOWN the speed, to pay attention because DS was in pain, scared and upset. It jumped up to 18 with a pressure of 10 due to his not paying attention to the programming and just as another RT walked in the door to visit with our RT, DH yells at the top of his lungs something like #@! Shut the @#-thing down. Never got that RT again. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Murgie</b></i>
" Maybe this is why you cant manage his health care at home"..I am so angry.</end quote>
This sentence would have me asking for whoever is overseeing the nurses on that floor and asking to be reassigned to another nurse. There is too much stress in this as it is to have to deal with that.
When our son was in the NICU, we had one nurse, that thankfully he only had for a portion of shift. After that shift, I knew that she could not be his nurse again. Fortunately, she wasn't assigned to him, because I would have asked for it to be changed. We found out afterwards that she had something of a reputation for not being the most compassionate person.


I just got out of the hospital myself. The hospital nurses were fine. The nursing home nurses were rude, made me cry and were STUPID. I spoke to the nurding supervisor. That didn't help so I talked to the hospital administrator If that doesn't help, you'll know to go to a different hospital. I believe many nurses hate their jobs, feel under paid and under appreciated and become hardened to seeing sick people. TOO BAD! I would not "put up with it." Speak to a higher up!


Bill IMO it is irrelevant what she went through that day. SHE is the professional and doesn't have the option to treat patients or their families rudely.