Salt intake and cramps


New member
I'm 26 with C/F and I am able to maintain fairly active hobbies such as kickboxing and surfing. Recently I’ve been getting cramps regularly esp. side stitches. After some reading I found one of the theories behind them is a low sodium level, this week I’ve upped my salt intake and they seem to have gotten better, though I’ve only when to 2 classes this week. I’m interested in knowing if anyone else noticed a correlation between cramps and salt intake.Chris


New member
Chris, YOU MUST REPLENISH YOUR SODIUM! I camp and go to outdoor festivals during the summer and the way to go is lots of Gatoraid and salty snacks. Gatoraid has sodium in it, and this is very important if you want to stay a healthy CFer. We become dehydrated much faster, and this can begin muscle aches, dizziness, tingeling in the limbs. If you're sweating, you should be drinking. I'm not saying that water isn't good, but that we need more than that.Debbie23 w/ CF