Salt intake in the summer due to heat



This week,we have very hot weather here in Madrid, Spain, approching 40 degrees ceclius. And thus I am feeling SOB, and my doctor has advised me to take urbason and add salt to my diet. As I cannot eat and excess amount offast food or potato chips (not underweight by far), I take an amount of salt with water...
My question is now, which I hope you can answer, how much salt can I consume daily, wihtout it becoming too much and giving me side-effects?
Thank you


Staff member
Not sure -- DS' doctor told us that he'd pretty much self regulate -- take what he needs. And that as long as he also has adequate water he should be fine. Instead of salt tablets, he carries a salt shaker with him and takes hits off of it during the day. And I've got individual packets of salt that I have in my purse and car, so when I pick him up at the daycare center and he's all hot and sweaty from playing outside, he'll take a packet of salt and water. He also heavily salts his food. Sometimes he'll even put salt on cookies for a sweet/salty taste....
I DO have friend whose husband gave their daughter too much salt thinking more was better. Think they usually gave her a teaspoon with water and he gave her 3 times that much. No lasting harm done, but they ended up taking her to the doctor after she vomited from too much salt.


Super Moderator
I asked our doctor about this too b/c our ds LOVES salt water. Some days he just asks for more, more, more salt water and my dh was concerned that he would get dehydrated from drinking salt water, like ocean salt water. The nutritionist explained that as long as the salt is with water it is fine. And that if he asks for more, he needs it. So we just give him lots of salt water and if he wants more, more. Never got to point of "too much."


New member
I've used the way the skin on the back of my hand tastes to get an idea of if I'm wanting/needing salt. That and I get random cravings for foods with lost of salt. Kinda one of those if it tastes good, you likely need it. Just remember to get enough water as well!