salt tablets


New member
Does anyone routinely take salt tablets? I live in the South and sweat alot in the heat and my doc told me to take them. Thanks ya'll! Lisa


New member
I live in the south as well, but I've never heard of them. Where would you get something like that? What does it do and does it work?

Usually if I sweat a lot, I eat some Salt & Vinegar chips...or anything to that nature that has tons of salt.


New member
i don't think I've ever needed salt tabs-I crave salt every minute of my life! potato chips, crackers, tortilla chips, pretzels, .......ahhhh it's an addiction.

well naturopath believe your body can crave what it really needs-so I guess in my case there's truth to that!


Yes I play sports and I take them and drink tons of Gator Ade


New member
i haven't taken them for a very long time, but i did take them when i was younger...and i'm taking some to africa with me, but my dietician tells me to put salt in my water! which is gross. tablets are way better.



New member
hey lisa.

i have salt pills in my fridge (for whoever asked, some pharmacies carry them over the counter.) i live in the south, too, but i didn't really need the salt pills until last summer when not only was i outside a lot (and don't use the A/C in my car much) but i was working out 4-5 days a week too. that did me in.



New member
Thanks you all. I was told to put one tablet in a 12 oz water bottle when exercising, which for me can be up to 4 hours (cycling). I am usually shattered in the heat from sweating so much. I would think runners would also benefit. Lisa


New member
I take them before sport in summer. It prevents me getting headaches and I do feel better afterwards if I take the tablets and drink sports drink.


New member
We live in the south and my children's doctor said they didn't need to take them. It is good to know that they are sold over the counter. My kids don't like the taste of salt in their foods, but they will eat salt by itself. I want to be sure they get enough in their diet.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf