My name is Peter and I am 57 years old living with CF. I believe that you will feel better living close to the ocean but most of all you will feel a lot better breathing clean air. That means being aware of prevailing winds. Are you in the way of breezes that sweep over a city or areas of heavy industry or automobile traffic? Is there dust in the air from farming activity or frequant high winds? Are there any other sources of airborne polution you may not be aware of?
I spent the first 42 years of my life on a rollercoaster ride of sickness and health living in the suburbs 35 miles west of Boston. Even though I was surrounded by trees, fields, lakes and hills, the air was dirty because of industrial polution pushed by prevailing winds sweeping over New Jersy, New York and Pennsilvania.
My lungs were being damaged during the winter months from dirty cold dry air and in mid summer by the hot stagnant humid dirty air from industrial pollution. The first twelve years of my life were spent on this rollercoaster and then my folks purchased a summer home on Cape Cod in 1963. From then on, as long as I was spending a good part of the year on the Cape, I did pretty well.
So I started thinking, How would I do if I lived in a milder climate? Away from the industrial Northeast away from those cold dry winters. So in 1990, after the dirtiest summer on record for air quality in Massachussets, I moved with my wife to California and the wilds of Marin County, just 20 miles north of San Francisco, and the freshest air I have ever breathed. The prevailing winds were off the Pacific Ocean and the only thing between me and the ocean was the tree covered hills of West Marin County. My health improved dramatically.
My stamina improved, I went back to work full time, the first time in five years and I gained weight. I was no longer fighting those ever present winter colds and and no longer struggling to breathe the dirty summer New England air.
I think the smartest thing a person with lung disease can do is to find clean air to breathe. Do whatever it takes!! It was not easy saying goodbye to my family and friends but it was the best thing I have ever done for my own well being. I am sure that if I had not moved to California when I did I would not be alive today.
I now live in a small town just two blocks from the ocean 30 miles south west of San Francisco and very happy to be here! I am in relatively good health and I am determined to keep going as long as I can continue to make choices about what I do with my life and what air I breathe.
Good luck to you and your family!!
PeterC 57 / CF