

New member
Hello everyone

I'm not a regular here since a don't have a steady access to a computer, but I come here once in a while to seek answer to some problems I have. And thank you very much, you are all of great help.

But this salt issue is something new to me... I'm now 23 and of course I know from childhood that having cf I loose more salt than normal poeple (I guess they will never understand how painfull it can be to have our sweat in the eyes :p) but yet I never salted anything and I never crave for salt, but for sugar. Lately I experienced unusual weakness and pain in my legs and I read it could be related to a lack of salt, so i'm now eating salt.... but really guys, how can you like it so much!? Aren't you affraid of precisely eating too much salt?

Jennifer you said something about a link to a full text on the subject, I would like to take a look when you have the time.

Thanks anyway,


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Hello everyone

I'm not a regular here since a don't have a steady access to a computer, but I come here once in a while to seek answer to some problems I have. And thank you very much, you are all of great help.

But this salt issue is something new to me... I'm now 23 and of course I know from childhood that having cf I loose more salt than normal poeple (I guess they will never understand how painfull it can be to have our sweat in the eyes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">) but yet I never salted anything and I never crave for salt, but for sugar. Lately I experienced unusual weakness and pain in my legs and I read it could be related to a lack of salt, so i'm now eating salt.... but really guys, how can you like it so much!? Aren't you affraid of precisely eating too much salt?

Jennifer you said something about a link to a full text on the subject, I would like to take a look when you have the time.

Thanks anyway,

Nicolas</end quote></div>

First lets say that most CFers sweat out excess so your intake balancing that thus not usually worring about having too much of it. Secondly I, personally, am not a fan of table salt. I like salt from other sources such as soy sauce, beef jerky. I guess things that has the salt IN it instead of ON it. Once in while I will eat pretzels to lick the salt off, but as a rule I dont like the salt on the outside. I dont eat it every day, but I do notice then when I eat it that I cant stop until the craving has passed!


New member
Mmmmm...Salt on everything, especially mashed potatoes, french fries...basically potatoes anyway you cook 'em<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
my husband mentioned something last night that made me think. He said "with the extra salt intake we need to make sure Maxwell is also getting a high citris intake as well." When I gave a puzzled look to him he said, "don't you still have to worry about scurvy with CF?" I don't know the answer to this question and am hoping someone here can enlighten us.
searching for the answer


New member
Scurvy? Hmm..

The only thing i can think of is that he was refering to the diets of people on ships bound for the west in the, and that most of their diet was salted foods that they preserved for the trip.

Salt in itself wasn't the cause of the scurvey, it was the lack of vitamin c. I think most people in our diets get adament amounts of vitamin c, so i wouldn't worry about it.


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

.</end quote></div>



New member
This is interesting to me simply because I rarely use salt and I NEVER crave salt. I don't actuallt like very salty things. I'm sure I have plenty of salt in my diet though, as I eat plenty of junk food! I also sweat out a ton of salt if I am working out or if it is just a hot day, though I have never had a problem with my salts. Do they look at sodium levels or anything on routine bloodwork?


New member
Well, I am on the opposite end of this spectrum, because I do not like salt. I can't stand for anything to taste salty. But, I have been this way since I was little. Yes, I know I am weird. I know I have never craved salt. When I work out I drink a salty sports drink, but that is about it. I live in the hot and humid south, and have played outdoor sports my whole life, but, I have never had a problem with my salt/electrolyte levels--my doc usually checks it once in the summer and once in the winter.


New member
I feel more normal today than I have in years!  I have an
actual salt shaker on my bedside table, because I find I feel like
I need it.  (My blood pressure stays around 105/60, so I'm ok
for now :) ).  My husband also is not fond of eating rice out
of a bowl that I salted.<br>
It's fun to see that I'm not just crazy!


New member
I use a lot of salt also, infact my husband cant believe how much salt I eat. I do get the all of a sudden empy stomach feeling and then I get to where Im either weak or I feel fainty. Not sure what it is exactly but I try to eat something or lay down until it passes, it doesnt happen often, like maybe 1 or 2 times a year it seems like. I figure Im not getting enough of something. Dont know what tho.


New member
I use a lot of salt also, infact my husband cant believe how much salt I eat. I do get the all of a sudden empy stomach feeling and then I get to where Im either weak or I feel fainty. Not sure what it is exactly but I try to eat something or lay down until it passes, it doesnt happen often, like maybe 1 or 2 times a year it seems like. I figure Im not getting enough of something. Dont know what tho.