Scandi Shake


New member
Hi, I am a nanny that takes care of a 5 year old boy with CF and diabetes. We would like to donate our Scandi Shake to anyone that would like to try it or has to buy it for the $8-12 (4- 3oz. packages) that it costs. I don't know if this stuff expires but we have had it for atleast a year. We have 65 vanilla packets and 22 chocolate. Scandi Shake Nutrition Facts: 440 Calories; 21g Fat (8 saturated); 57 Carbohydrates(19sugars); 5g Protein. Tastes great with orange juice or added to ice cream. Receipes can also be found online. Please put in your request by June 2nd, 2005 noon pacific time to We will put all names in a hat and do a drawing. The number of requests will determine how we will divide them. Thanks.
-Christine (nanny to Jacob with CF and diabetes and his 7 year old brother, Taylor, who does not)