

New member

Does anyone's insurance cover scandishakes? Mine apparently doesn't cover a dime, and I"m wondering if this is the norm with respect to nutritional supplements? I did have a valid dr. script for them. Urgh!


New member
We have Tricare and the way we got the scandishakes was through the Ultrase enzymes. If you get the enzymes through them, Axcan automatically gives you free scandishakes every month when you refill the enzymes and free ADEK vitamins. You need to have some form filled out by the Dr and send them the receipt from the enzyme refill. Hope that helps.


New member
Thanks, Victoria...

I actually don't take Ultrase, so I have to pay for them. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
check with the CF Foundation. THEre are lots of state programs in the United States that covers nutritional formulas for CF patients.


New member
Sonia, I am fighting tricare right now for coverage of Boost shakes (appeal #7- 2 years later and just had our first hearing). If we win, I'll send you all the info I have so you can quote our case in getting yours covered. If we don't win... it's off to appeal #8 and FEDERAL hearing #2. Ahhh life.

Have you contacted Ross? They use to have a patient assistance program based on need and income level.


New member
Lungs of life is good as Karen said. The only drawback about it is you have to have a social worker contact them and do all of the requesting/writing a letter and addressing your needs. They are a very helpful foundation though and really do aim to help and make a difference.

Some others that might give you assistance are the Milan Foundation, Reach for the Stars foundation and.... actually, that's all I can think of now.

There's some links to "assistance" websites in "julie's corner" if you were thinking you might want to go that route.


New member
I may check out the Lungs of Life.... the thing is, my social worker (whom I've never met) is about 400 miles away, so don't know how helpful she'll be. lol

I may check into getting assistance from the local CFA of ND chapter that I raise money for. They've helped me before for things like room and board when I had to travel to appointments. So, we'll see.

So, Tricare won't even cover them??? I guess that kinda surprises me... I figured once I submitted to them, they'd pick up the cost BCBS wouldn't. I mean, don't insurances cover feeding tube supplements? So, how is this different? Its still a nutritional supplement for weight gain.

Gosh, Julie.... good luck to you! You are absolutely amazing with all the work you do to get the most you can from the system! Your motivation is staggering to me! Good for you!!!


New member
So far I have yet to find an insurance that does cover Scandishakes.

We've tried:

Blue Cross of CA
Great West

Maybe one day......

...darn evil insurance companies...